
[G4G] Re: 【禁聞】學者為中共開藥 專家:重疾難治 - 中國禁聞 - 新唐人電視台

【禁�】�者�中共�� �家:重疾�治

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《北 京之春》��主�胡平:「因�中共��多年�,他欠下的各�各�的�太多,而整��治集�是高度的腐�,所以他��自由民主是非常的反感、非常害怕,所以 即便哪怕在中央上�有��一��人,�意�行,有��意�,那�在上�也是大多�也不�接受。所以,�目前情�看起�,�法指望中共��行��政治改 革。」







李 大勇:「我��在�『解�中共,天�中共』是什�意思呢?中共作�一�邪�的反人�集�,它面�的是解�的命�,它不是�改良的命�,是面�著解�的命 �,面�著一�被�判的命�,在��情�下,�了使更多的中�民�免於(跟�)中共自身(解�)的命�,所以�我��其『三退』,所以在��情�下,任何 希望中共改良或�中共提建�,那都是�木求�,就是水中月、�中花。」





Power Separation Can’t Save CCP

Next year, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party)
will hold its 18th Congress.
Cao Siyuan, a constitutional scholar proposed to revise CCP
Constitution, promoting the separation of powers within CCP.
Cao is making a prescription for CCP’s critical illness,
but is CCP willing to take the pills?
And will CCP be cured? Let’s see what experts have to say.

CCP has been claiming that it has achieved
democracy within the CCP.
Cao Siyuan believes that CCP has not set up the system
of separation and restriction of powers.
The CCP committee should have been an execution organ
of CCP conventions at all levels.
But over decades, it made decisions and implemented itself,
assuming arbitrary powers without supervision.

Cao Siyuan proposed a reform, to separate powers within
CCP, as a reference for revision of CCP’s Constitution for 2012’s 18th Congress.

Hu Ping, Editor-in-Chief of Beijing Spring magzine,
said that the CCP shows no sign of improvement.

Hu Ping (Editor-in-Chief, Beijing Spring):"Over the years,
CCP has accumulated too many debts.
The entire ruling group is of high-level corruption. So they
dislike and fear very much the freedom and democracy.
Even if one or two persons of the CCP top-level are willing
to reform, the remaining majority will not accept.
That is to say, the current situation shows that such a
reform cannot be expected to be carried out by CCP. ”

The mechanism of powers’ separation, checks
and balances proposed by Cao Siyuan are:
CCP congress at all levels are CCP’s power organ,
election of three same-level institutions respectively made by CCP congress at the county level and above, namely:
CCP Congress Standing Committee, CCP Executive
Committee and CCP Discipline Inspection Commission.
All three institutions are subject to the leadership
of the same-level CCP congress.

Wang Juntao, Ph.D. in Political Science at Columbia Univ.
analyzed that even with the power separation, there is still no way to solve the problem.

Wang Juntao: "After CCP set up its Ministry of Supervision,
a serious criminal case appeared, as well as corruptions.
So far, the corruption has been a common problem.

Even if powers are separated, far from checking
and balancing, decentralized institutions will collude. ”

Wang Juntao comments that Cao Siyuan expects
CCP’s improvement from the perspective of saving China.
But Wang believes that as soon as the CCP separates
its powers, it will die spontaneously.

Wang Juntao: "If CCP carries out any reform benefiting the
nation and masses, like restricting major CCP cadres from corruption, the action
will lead to CCP’s disintegration.
Because the purpose of CCP cadres to join this party
is just the private gains.”

Dr. Li Dayong is the Director of the Global Service Center
for Quitting the CCP.
Dr. Li said that those hoping CCP would make internal
improvements, have not seen through CCP’s evil nature.

Dr. Li Dayong: "We are talking about 'Disintegrating the CCP,
Heaven eliminating the CCP.”
What does that mean? As an evil, anti-humane group, CCP
faces a fate of disintegration, instead of improvement.
It will end up being tried. In this case, we persuade Chinese
people to quit the CCP in order to avoid the same fate, due to following CCP as its member.
So any expectation of CCP’s improvement or any suggestion
to the CCP will come to no avail, becoming a moon in the water or a flower in the mirror.”

The death of Muammar Gaddafi, Libya’s 42-year dictator,
shocked the CCP.
A movement of “Quitting CCP” launched overseas has so far
recorded over 104 million Chinese people renouncing CCP.

Li Dayong believes that the only way to save China
is by “Quitting the CCP.”

NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Li Jing and Xiao Yan


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2011/10/30 kkkim <kaosongcongvn@gmail.com>
【禁�】�者�中共�� �家:重疾�治 - 中�禁� - 新唐人��台

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