
Re: [G4G] 新唐人电视 【禁闻】中共税收史上最高 中港税差23倍


Kasia Hu <hometown.kasia@gmail.com> 於 2011年11月14日上午1:27 �道:

【禁闻】中共税收史上最高 中港税差23倍

新唐人电视 www.ntdtv.com 2011-11-14 04:18
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【新唐人2011年11月14日讯】在经济衰减的大前提下,中共财政部上周公布:个人所得税收入提前2个月完成了全年目标;另 一方面,有人作了对比,发现大陆和香港个人缴税数额相差23倍。香港经济学家郎咸平者指出,中共政府去年向个人抽的税高达平均所得的51.6%,是有史以 来的最高。









郎 咸平:“各位企业家,你知道你去年交了多少税吗?我们拿到的实际资料显示,去年,你们交的直接税加上间接税占到了中国企业税前利润的70%,你们各人交多 少税,直接税加上间接税,包括增值税、消费税全部加在一起,我们政府去年向个人抽的税高达平均所得的51.6%,这两个数字都是政府发布出去的。这两个数 字,是全世界自从有人类以来的最高。没有一个国家敢收这么高的税,中华五千年历史也没有一个朝代敢收这么高的税,结果我们这个朝代有。”

去 年年底,《南都周刊》文章《中国征税机器如狼似虎,明年日子不好过!》指出,在大陆一个商品在生产和商业流通中的每一步都要分别缴税,消费者只要购买商 品,就已经向政府缴纳了商品价格17%或13%的增值税款。文章说,一个人在北京买房,全部购房款中有大约47%是必须交给政府的各种税款。





中共税收史上最高 中港税差23倍
CCP’s Highest Tax in the world

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Ministry of Finance
(MOF) announced last week that they had two months
ahead of schedule completed an annual report
of personal income tax revenue.
People comparing the mainland personal income tax with
Hong Kong’s found that there are 23 discrepancies between the 2 regions.
Hong Kong economist Lang Xianping pointed out
that mainland enterprises’ pre-tax profits were up to 70%,
while the personal income tax was up to 52%,
the highest ever.

CCP MOF released the latest data on 9th Nov. showing that
in October China’s fiscal revenue reached 919 billion yuan,
an increase of 133 billion yuan (16.9%) up on last year,
however, it is the second consecutive month in decline this year.

Surprisingly, this year, from January to October, the total
revenue has exceeded 8.3 trillion yuan and compared to last year has hit a revenue record.
The personal income tax revenue is up to 535 billion yuan,
two months ahead of the annual target of 5,200 million yuan.

According to Forbes 2009 report, China’s “Tax Misery Index”
ranks 2nd in the world.
Forbes’ data in September shows that from January to August,
80% of fiscal revenue in mainland comes from tax revenue.

The CCP completed personal income tax revenue ahead of
schedule in times of slower economic growth, causing the netizens to react very angrily.

For the CCP’s high tax, netizens said the government always
have the same explanation.
Such as “personal income tax is the major revenue of MOF”,
“the personal income tax ratio is still low”.
Some people pointed out that the CCP collects personal income
tax to make money, rather than narrowing down the gap between rich and poor.

How does the CCP complete the personal income tax
ahead of schedule?

An article in micro blog said, “A young persons salary in
Hong Kong is HK$178,000, paying HK$729 income tax”,
the CCP mouthpiece media People’s Daily also mentioned this.
Comparative with mainland people’s 145,000 yuan salary,
paying 13,954 yuan tax, HK$17,129, which means for
the personal income tax in China charges 23 times more than in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong economist Lang Xianping addressed
in a forum that CCP enterprises and personal income tax is the highest in the world.

郎 咸平:�各位企业家,你知道你去年交了多少税吗?我们拿到的实际资料显示,去年,你们交的直接税加上间接税占到了中国企业税前利润的70%,你们各人交多 少税,直接税加上间接税,包括增值税、消费税全部加在一起,我们政府去年向个人抽的税高达平均所得的51.6%,这两个数字都是政府发布出去的。这两个数 字,是全世界自从有人类以来的最高。没有一个国家敢收这么高的税,中华五千年历史也没有一个朝代敢收这么高的税,结果我们这个朝代有。�1:11:17
Lang Xianping: “Dear entrepreneurs, do you know how much
tax you had to pay last year? The data we get shows that the
tax paid last year accounts for 70% profit of business pre-tax,
including direct tax, indirect tax, VAT, and consumption tax.
The government collected income tax up to 51.6%
on average last year.
These two figures are the highest on record in the world.
No other countries dare to collect such a high tax,
neither was this the case in the five thousand years of
Chinese history, but right now it is happening in this dynasty”.

去 年年底,《南都周刊》文章《中国征税机器如狼似虎,明年日子不好过!》指出,在大陆一个商品在生产和商业流通中的每一步都要分别缴税,消费者只要购买商 品,就已经向政府缴纳了商品价格17%或13%的增值税款。文章也报导,一个人在北京买房,全部购房款中有大约47%是必须交给政府的各种税款。
At end of last year, “Southern Weekly” published an article
said that in mainland for certain goods you have to pay different taxes during their circulation.
When consumers buy goods, he will be charged 17%
or 13% VAT.
The article also said that if one person purchases
a house, he must pay 47% tax to the government.

In addition, Chen Zhiwu, Yale University professor, wrote an
article last year saying that over the past four or five years,
China’s tax revenue growth is 2 to 3 times
more than its GDP growth.
GDP is like a pancake, the more the government gets,
the less people have.

Professor Jiao Jianguo, from Taxation College of Capital
University of Economics and Finance,
said that the CCP controls a monopoly on social resources and
owns large state-owned enterprises.
Therefore, the tax burden should be the lowest in the world.

He believes that there is not only the problem of
heavy tax burden in China, but also the problem of irrational tax structure.

Lang said in a speech, the CCP’s three wrong policies
led the economy into crisis in China.
In addition to enterprise funds strand breaking and
labor costs rising too fast, the third problem is that the tax burden is too high.

新唐人记者吴惟 王明宇综合报导
NTD reporters Wu Wei and Wang Mingyu



###原始录像文件名-CHINA-20111114-Chinese-taxrss updatetime==2011-11-13 18:38:56.0
2011-11-14 08:36:06.801003+08 - 2011-11-14 04:18:06
【中国禁闻】中共税收史上最高 中港税差23倍











郎 咸平:�各位企业家,你知道你去年交了多少税吗?我们拿到的实际资料显示,去年,你们交的直接税加上间接税占到了中国企业税前利润的70%,你们各人交多 少税,直接税加上间接税,包括增值税、消费税全部加在一起,我们政府去年向个人抽的税高达平均所得的51.6%,这两个数字都是政府发布出去的。这两个数 字,是全世界自从有人类以来的最高。没有一个国家敢收这么高的税,中华五千年历史也没有一个朝代敢收这么高的税,结果我们这个朝代有。�

去 年年底,《南都周刊》文章《中国征税机器如狼似虎,明年日子不好过!》指出,在大陆一个商品在生产和商业流通中的每一步都要分别缴税,消费者只要购买商 品,就已经向政府缴纳了商品价格17%或13%的增值税款。文章说,一个人在北京买房,全部购房款中有大约47%是必须交给政府的各种税款。




新唐人记者吴惟 王明宇综合报导


CCP’s Highest Tax in the world

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Ministry of Finance
(MOF) announced last week that they had two months
ahead of schedule completed an annual report
of personal income tax revenue.
People comparing the mainland personal income tax with
Hong Kong’s found that there are 23 discrepancies between the 2 regions.
Hong Kong economist Lang Xianping pointed out
that mainland enterprises’ pre-tax profits were up to 70%,
while the personal income tax was up to 52%,
the highest ever.

CCP MOF released the latest data on 9th Nov. showing that
in October China’s fiscal revenue reached 919 billion yuan,
an increase of 133 billion yuan (16.9%) up on last year,
however, it is the second consecutive month in decline this year.

Surprisingly, this year, from January to October, the total
revenue has exceeded 8.3 trillion yuan and compared to last year has hit a revenue record.
The personal income tax revenue is up to 535 billion yuan,
two months ahead of the annual target of 5,200 million yuan.

According to Forbes 2009 report, China’s “Tax Misery Index”
ranks 2nd in the world.
Forbes’ data in September shows that from January to August,
80% of fiscal revenue in mainland comes from tax revenue.

The CCP completed personal income tax revenue ahead of
schedule in times of slower economic growth, causing the netizens to react very angrily.

For the CCP’s high tax, netizens said the government always
have the same explanation.
Such as “personal income tax is the major revenue of MOF”,
“the personal income tax ratio is still low”.
Some people pointed out that the CCP collects personal income
tax to make money, rather than narrowing down the gap between rich and poor.

How does the CCP complete the personal income tax
ahead of schedule?

An article in micro blog said, “A young persons salary in
Hong Kong is HK$178,000, paying HK$729 income tax”,
the CCP mouthpiece media People’s Daily also mentioned this.
Comparative with mainland people’s 145,000 yuan salary,
paying 13,954 yuan tax, HK$17,129, which means for
the personal income tax in China charges 23 times more than in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong economist Lang Xianping addressed
in a forum that CCP enterprises and personal income tax is the highest in the world.

Lang Xianping: “Dear entrepreneurs, do you know how much
tax you had to pay last year? The data we get shows that the
tax paid last year accounts for 70% profit of business pre-tax,
including direct tax, indirect tax, VAT, and consumption tax.
The government collected income tax up to 51.6%
on average last year.
These two figures are the highest on record in the world.
No other countries dare to collect such a high tax,
neither was this the case in the five thousand years of
Chinese history, but right now it is happening in this dynasty”.

At end of last year, “Southern Weekly” published an article
said that in mainland for certain goods you have to pay different taxes during their circulation.
When consumers buy goods, he will be charged 17%
or 13% VAT.
The article also said that if one person purchases
a house, he must pay 47% tax to the government.

In addition, Chen Zhiwu, Yale University professor, wrote an
article last year saying that over the past four or five years,
China’s tax revenue growth is 2 to 3 times
more than its GDP growth.
GDP is like a pancake, the more the government gets,
the less people have.

Professor Jiao Jianguo, from Taxation College of Capital
University of Economics and Finance,
said that the CCP controls a monopoly on social resources and
owns large state-owned enterprises.
Therefore, the tax burden should be the lowest in the world.

He believes that there is not only the problem of
heavy tax burden in China, but also the problem of irrational tax structure.

Lang said in a speech, the CCP’s three wrong policies
led the economy into crisis in China.
In addition to enterprise funds strand breaking and
labor costs rising too fast, the third problem is that the tax burden is too high.

NTD reporters Wu Wei and Wang Mingyu

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