
[G4G] Eugene.Chen:萨谬尔.约翰逊论爱国主义

学习英语咯,中英文对照!不过,真要学习英语还得Think in English,否则只是学了皮毛而已


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114. Patriotism

"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."

Boswell: Life



405. Appearances; Patriotism

"Let us take a patriot, where we can meet him; and, that we may not flatter ourselves by false appearances, distinguish those marks which are certain, from those which may deceive; for a man may have the external appearance of a patriot, without the constituent qualities; as false coins have often lustre, though they want weight."

Johnson: The Patriot

请把爱国者带到我们得以一睹真容的地方; 为了预防被假象误导(flatter), 请将真实可靠的特征同欺世盗名的幌子区分清楚;一个人可以在外表上装出爱国者的模样, 但在实质上却不是那么一回事; 就像一枚假币, 尽管时有闪光, 却总是欠斤短两。


408. Patriotism; Politics; Subversion

"A man sometimes starts up a patriot, only by disseminating discontent, and propagating reports of secret influence, of dangerous counsels, of violated rights, and encroaching usurpation. This practice is no certain note of patriotism. To instigate the populace with rage beyond the provocation, is to suspend publick happiness, if not to destroy it. He is no lover of his country, that unnecessarily disturbs its peace. Few errours and few faults of government, can justify an appeal to the rabble; who ought not to judge of what they cannot understand, and whose opinions are not propagated by reason, but caught by contagion."

Johnson: The Patriot


一个人有时摇身一变成了爱国者, 靠的不过是这样的办法: 即散布不满情绪和传播各种消息(reports), 说什麽有人暗中操控, 说什麽馊主意误国害民, 说什麽权利受损, 说什麽篡权在即。 如此行事绝不是爱国主义的可靠特征。 在百姓中煽动对肇因事件过度反应(beyong the provocation)的愤怒, 就算没有全然摧毁人民的幸福,也是将此幸福中止暂停。  那些不必要地对安泰祥和进行扰乱的人, 绝不是爱国者。 政府的过错和失误鲜有需要诉诸乌合之众的时候; 因为乌合之众对自己无法理解的东西不应妄自评断,因为乌合之众的看法 不是靠理性而形成, 而是靠传染而流行。



409. Fear; Patriotism

"It is the quality of patriotism to be jealous and watchful, to observe all secret machinations, and to see publick dangers at a distance. The true lover of his country is ready to communicate his fears, and to sound the alarm, whenever he perceives the approach of mischief. But he sounds no alarm, when there is no enemy; he never terrifies his countrymen till he is terrified himself. The patriotism, therefore, may be justly doubted of him, who professes to be disturbed by incredibilities..."

Johnson: The Patriot


爱国主义的一个特征就是嫉妒且猜疑, 对一切密谋均留意提防, 隔大老远就(以为)看得见民众可能遭到的危险。 一个对自己的祖国真正的热爱者, 一旦感知到危险的逼近,是会随时拉响警报, 传递自己的忧虑。 但如果没有敌情, 他不会拉警报;他不会去恐吓自己的同胞, 除非自己先受到恐吓。因此,如果 他声称自己正为某种不足凭信的东西(incredibilities)所惊恐,那么, 公平地说,很怀疑他有没有爱国主义。  (本段中"爱国主义"出现两次, 前者贬义, 后者褒义, 如不做此理解, 逻辑不通------译者)



951. The Press; Patriotism

"In a time of war the nation is always of one mind, eager to hear something good of themselves and ill of the enemy. At this time the task of the news-writer is easy; they have nothing to do but to tell that a battle is expected, and afterwards that a battle has been fought, in which we and our friends, whether conquering or conquered, did all, and our enemies did nothing."

Johnson: Idler #30 (November 11, 1758)


一个国家, 处于战时, 都亟于听到本方的好消息, 敌方的坏消息。民同此心, 心同此理。 在这样的时候, 新闻记者的任务就容易了; 他们都不要做别的甚么,只要战前宣称某次战斗就要打响;在战后,宣称该次战斗已经打过; 另外,无论我军和盟军是胜是败,都只要宣称 我方已在战斗中倾尽全力, 而敌方则一无所为。



994. Criticism; Patriotism

"Scarce any can hear with impartiality a comparison between the writers of his own and another country; and though it cannot, I think, be charged equally on all nations, that they are blinded with this literary patriotism, yet there are none that do not look upon their authors with the fondness of affinity, and esteem them as well for the place of their birth, as for their knowledge or their wit. There is, therefore, seldom much respect due to comparative criticism, when the competitors are of different countries, unless the judge is of a nation equally indifferent to both. The Italians could not for a long time believe that there was any learning beyond the mountains; and the French seem generally persuaded, that there are no wits or reasoners equal to their own. I can scarcely conceive that if Scaliger had not considered himself as allied to Virgil, by being born in the same country, he would have found his works so much superior to those of Homer, or have thought the controversy worthy of so much zeal, vehemence, and acrimony."

Johnson: Rambler #93 (February 5, 1751)


很少有人能以不偏不倚的态度听取对本国和外国作家的比较;尽管我觉得不能一概而论地指责所有的国家都被这种文学爱国主义弄得闭目塞听,但凡读者, 一见是本国作家, 没有不油然而生亲切之感的, 既敬重他们的学识和才智, 更敬重他们的出生籍贯。正因为如此, 在判断两个来自不同国度的作家高低上下时所做的比较评论鲜有可圈可点之处, 除非点评者来自第三国, 与这两国亲疏等距, 则另作别论。 意大利人在很长的一段时间里不相信在该国界的山峦外头还会有甚么(更好的)学问。而法国人似乎一般都深信世上各国再无甚么才子睿者堪与比肩。设若斯嘉里哥未曾因出生国度相同而将维吉尔引为盟友, 我几乎无法想象他会如此吹捧维吉尔而贬损荷马, 我也几乎无法想象他会觉得评判维吉尔与荷马孰优孰劣的论战值得他投入如此的热忱 激情, 和疾言厉色。



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