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Date: 2008/4/29
Subject: 每++日+-精+选 04月28日
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博.,讯新+闻每日精华 祝朋友们春节好! 祝大家平安! 目录 T195与5034次旅客列车今晨在山东淄博相撞 (图) Go back to top 新任中国国务院新闻办公室主任王晨(中)日前在北京出席某活动 4月10日,中央任命人民日报社社长王晨出任国新办主任,接替已调任文化部长的蔡武,他同时也兼任了中宣部副部长。人民日报总编辑张研农则接替了王晨调任后的空缺。25日,国务院又任命李从军出任新华社社长,接替六十五岁的田聪明,后者已在两会期间出任全国政协民族和宗教委员会主任。 新闻宣传亮相新阵容 生于1950年的王晨,是一位科班出身的传媒专才,毕业于中国社科院研究生院新闻系,曾在光明日报由一位普通记者累升为总编辑。1997年获中国新闻奖一等奖。2000年调任中宣部副部长,一年后调任人民日报社总编辑,次年又升任社长。 国新办主任被认为是中国政府的"形象大使",王晨履新时正值国外反华势力利用西藏、奥运等问题大做文章、气焰甚嚣尘上之时。在国新办的统筹之下,通过组织记者赴藏区采访、邀请政府官员和藏学专家召开新闻发布会、藏族同胞现身说法等方式,令一些外国媒体的谎言不攻自破,使中国政府赢得了国内外的信任和谅解。 与王晨的"科班出身"不同,新任人民日报社长张研农则属"半路出家",曾在空军服役19年,之后转业先后在中央统战部、中宣部任职。1996年进入人民日报社,历任理论部主任、副总编辑、总编辑。 拥有山东大学博士学位的李从军,长期在中宣部系统内工作,由副处长一直到副部长,期间数度到河北、浙江等地挂职。李从军还曾担任过中央文化体制改革试点工作领导小组办公室主任,主张并推动了近年来包括新闻、出版、文化等领域的诸多改革工作。这也是他得以出掌新华社的重要原因。 中宣部经历受倚重 在这批新闻高官的调动潮中,其拥有的一个共同特点是都曾在中宣部担任过重要职务,包括蔡武、王晨、李从军都担任过中宣部副部长,张研农与李从军还是中宣部研究室的搭档。而中宣部常务副部长吉炳轩也在本月初调任黑龙江省委书记。这也显示了中宣部在中国新闻宣传工作中的领军作用。 _(网文转载) 中国第一列奥运列车与旅客列车相撞 Go back to top 今晨,由北京开往青岛的T195次列车运行到胶济铁路周村至王村之间时脱线,与上行的烟台至徐州5034次列车相撞,目前,伤亡情况尚不清楚。 据博××讯记者了解,这列名为"海之情"的T195列车,是中国的第一列奥运主题列车。国务院新闻办公室秘书局局长赵守义在列车揭牌仪式上曾动情地说,这趟列车将载入奥林匹克的史册,这应该是一趟可以感动国际奥委会主席罗格的列车。 [博××讯首发,转载请注明出处]- 支持此文作者/记者 实拍:网友目击--山东两列车相撞现场 (图) Go back to top 胶济铁路28日凌晨4时41分,T195次北京至青岛四方的列车与5034次烟台至徐州的列车在山东省淄博市周村附近相撞。胶济铁路交通暂时中断。来自济南铁路局的消息说,据初步调查,胶济铁路火车相撞事故已造成43人死亡,247人受伤。 事故发生后,铁道部与山东省委、省政府已迅速启动紧急预案。铁道部部长刘志军立即赶赴现场组织指挥,要求全力救治受伤旅客。山东省委书记姜异康、省长姜大明等赶赴事故现场。 胶济铁路火车相撞43人死亡247人受伤 胶济铁路发生客车脱线相撞事故。 &nbs! p;胶济铁路发生客车脱线相撞事故。 胶济铁路发生客车脱线相撞事故。 胶济铁路发生客车脱线相撞事故。 胶济铁路发生客车脱线相撞事故。 胶济铁路发生客车脱线相撞事故。 胶济铁路发生客车脱线相撞事故。 今日凌晨4时41分,胶济铁路两列火车相撞。 事发周村至王村之间 _(网文转载) (Modified on 2008/4/28) 张家界,黑社会的天堂!!!!!!!! Go back to top 张家界,黑社会的天堂!!!!!!!! 看,这是怎样的市民!怎样的警察!怎样的医生!怎样的政府! (博××讯 2008年4月27日,我亲眼目睹了触目心惊的一幕,作这一名普通的社会公民,我深感悲痛和愤怒;作为一名张家界人,我深感耻辱和震惊。 事情发生在张家界新峰市场。三名从贵州来张家界的游客刚下火车不久,到新峰市场闲逛,其中两人一对情侣。这时,一个骑着摩托的年轻人带着两个女孩从他们身边飞奔而过,把其中一人擦了一下,情侣中的男孩回头说了骑摩托车的一句"怎么这么不小心"?就这样一句很平常的话,没想到招致了杀身之祸。骑摩托车的青年下了车,狠骂他们挡路并问他们是不是找死,(那可是在一个大市场内啊),贵州男孩顶了一句,这时张家界青年从身上摸出一把砍刀,向贵州男孩砍去,贵州男孩颈部连中两刀,血就像瀑炸的水管蜂拥喷出,张家界青年又向另一人头部猛砍一刀,然后骑车大摇大摆而去。贵州的女孩早吓呆了,旁边有人已经打了110和120,可是二十分钟还不见过来,公安局到这儿都很近啊,人民医院就在这儿不到1000米,贵州男孩血都快流尽了,受伤的男孩恳求围观的群众帮忙,竟然没有一个人伸手,只好一个人抱着他往附近医院跑,后来有两个大概中学生模样的帮忙抬了一下,路上又掉在地上,女孩拼命的揉捏,然后继续往医院跑,到医院不到十分钟,贵州男孩便抢救无效身亡。女孩听到这个消息一下便晕倒在地。到人群散去时,公安局的才姗姗而来,了解案情也像做游� 芬谎ń朐履诙伎傻叫路迨谐∪チ私猓芏嗟昝胬习宥寄慷昧耸虑榈木衷谟屑父雒琶媲懊娑蓟褂幸淮筇惭#� 回想刚刚发生的这件事,心里就像吃了苍蝇一样难受,张家界公安局的人民公仆,人民保护神,你们是干什么吃的?张家界的120,你们早到五分钟,也许像可挽救一条鲜活的生命!!! 我是张家界人,经常目睹黑社会横行场面,经常看到明枪明刀砍杀,现在只要在张家界街道上走一走,便可看到小偷大白天也公然旁若无人的拿着长镊子夹路人的口袋,经常可以看到在大街小巷公然抢劫,这些年,张家界黑社会越来越嚣张,吸毒几乎成了年轻人的代名词,砍人几乎成了司空见惯的平常事…… [博××讯来稿] 张德江话音刚落 山东列车相撞死伤三百(图) Go back to top 4月28日凌晨4时41分,胶济铁路山东省周村至王村间发生列车相撞事故 伦敦唐人街的中国餐馆大受欢迎,却隐藏着华人黑工被剥削的血泪史。(资料图片) 未入职先付制服费加按金 她表示,侍应大多拥有居英权或工作签证,但中国餐馆的生存其实系于雇用一批华人黑工,他们大部分没工作签证,要在厨房工作、推点心车或做人肉招牌。白晓红到华都街的"泉章居"餐馆求职,向部长"好姐"说自己拿学生签证,愿意在任何时段工作。 她的工时平日由早上11时至下午4时,周末5时半才下班,时薪3.2英镑(约50港元),但要付20英镑(约310港元)制服费和预缴30英镑(约464港元)按金,又要自费买恤衫。见工当日,她推载满虾饺、烧卖和凤爪等点心的点心车,推了3个小时想坐下休息,洗手间是她唯一可以坐下的地方。 见工日白做病假后遭侮辱 她临下班时,"好姐"告诉她翌日开始上班。她问会否获发当天工资,"好姐"皱起眉头说:"今天是学习日"。翌日,白晓红准时10时半上班,又发觉薪金实际上由11时起计算,"好姐"解释那是因为员工11时起才开始招呼顾客。 那天下班时,白晓红发现双脚起了水泡,翌晨更哮喘发作。她于是致电"好姐"请病假,岂料对方只顾命令她返餐馆工作。自此"好姐"常针对她,故意在其他员工面前侮辱她。她下班时换回自己的衣服,当侍应的同僚认不出她,竟为她开门和说"再见,请再光临"。在员工眼中,同僚原来只是面目模糊的人而已。 关键字: _(网文转载) 在日抢火炬男子证实是"藏青会"成员(图) Go back to top 来源:中评社 北京奥运圣火今天在日本长野传递。据TVBS报道,在日本乒乓球选手福原爱传递火炬时,一名42岁台湾籍男子突然举着藏独旗冲进火炬传递队伍。这名台湾男子随后遭逮捕。 福原爱手持火炬跑到一半,这名台湾籍男子拿着拿着藏独旗帜来闹场,把福原爱吓得花容失色,向来守法的日本民众,议论纷纷。目击者说:"吓死了,没想到会有这种事!" 据悉,被捕的是"西藏青年会议"台湾分部副主席札西慈仁,目前定居台湾,他今天突然冲向维护圣火警察队伍当中,立刻被当成现行犯被捕。 _(网文转载) 新华社第一位驻外女记者 在加拿大被调查 Go back to top 根据4月21日环球邮报的报导,随着最近一批"绝密"档案的解密,张海燕(Haiyan Zhang,音译)女士的案件再次使得人们聚焦于中国间谍问题。直到现在为止,加拿大政府还未能彻底信任张女士,也不让她参与机密级别较低的工作。现在她一直待在家里,等待着安全部门的调查结果。同时她也在与加拿大政府因此事而打官司。 (博××讯 现年45岁的张女士曾经在渥太华参加了一些中国大使馆举办的活动,同时与一位中国外交官保持着友谊。作为前中-共喉舌的新华社员工,她还参加了几次新华社资助的活动。在张女士获得加拿大公民身份以后,她还在8年中往返中国8次。同时根据情报部门的资料,她在几年前曾经从美国驻埃及官员那里收到了一个里面藏有700美元的镜框。 新华社记者的礼物事件 1963年出生的张女士声称在学生时代她就对英语有偏爱。因为她在学校的高分,使得新华社招纳她成为该社最早的女性国外通讯员之一。按照张女士的说法,她在新华社的大多数的时间都辛勤工作,将国外的新闻报导翻译给国内使用。 早在90年代初期,张女士去了开罗工作。在那时,她说她与一位在美国大使馆工作的名为鲍勃(Bob)的男士成为了朋友。她请他帮忙,最终进入了美国的大学念书。作为回报,该男士要求张女士给出一份写作样本。张女士称她写了"一个手写的文章描绘在新华社中的例行政治学习会议",文章内容包括描述她的上司因为拒绝了她写的共产主义在欧洲崩溃的文章,而要求她多写一些中东方面的故事等。鲍勃先生和他的妻子显然对她的友谊很感激。张女士称,"在我回到中国以后,我惊奇地发现,他们因为我离开而送我的镜框之内夹有700美元。" 根据加拿大情报审查委员会(SIRC)的说法,那个从美国驻开罗大使馆的鲍勃先生赠送她700美元礼物的故事"非常不一般且难以令人相信",同时SIRC还发现张女士无法回忆起她的这个朋友具体姓什么。SIRC说这个礼品事件引发了可靠性问题,因为"它好像是美国政府偷偷摸摸地对原告提供的消息进行了补偿。"SIRC的报告提出了疑问,"为何她偏要去选择一个在新华社内部学习中的讨论来作为她的主题?中-共政府并不想让手写件的主题被发表出去。" 西方的情报机构经常将新华社与情报机关等同。在一份机密报告中显示,在2005年7天的秘密听证以后,当时就任SIRC的主席保罗-格西亚(Paule Gauthier)鼓励对此产生的关注,"作为新华社的前员工,该女士可能帮其他国家从事情报活动。" 枢密院事件 在一次科威特的新闻任务中,张女士在一个新闻人士常去的酒吧中遇见了一位加拿大人。1995年两人结婚并迁至渥太华。在这以后,张女士成立了一个名为"Chinabridge Communications"的组织,该组织名义上是一家谘询公司,客户包括一些公司及联邦部门。但这个公司主要是帮助这些机构进入中国。而张女士称,"只有参加大使馆及新华社组织的一些活动才能达到目的,而且这类活动她也只参加过几次。" 在2002年,加联邦工业部雇用了张女士。在张女士的一个文档中,她写道,"我精准地拥有加拿大政府需要的才能,我还是特殊的加拿大少数族裔的一员。"有文件显示,很快枢密院(对政府提供谘询的正式机构,PCO)就对她感兴趣,一位官员诱惑她加入PCO,并保证在2年内她能学到在其他政府部门一辈子都学不到的东西。自那时开始,她在枢密院中任职高级分析师,而分析师必须在政府的会议中出席。但是在2003年的8月,PCO突然开除了张女士。 当时的情形是,一位警卫要求她离开她的桌子,并将所有的东西都留在那里。但是,张女士在一个法庭的文件中说,"我从未,将来也不会,泄露任何的信息...将与加拿大利益有关的东西泄露给任何人。" SIRC的报告显示,张女士还曾经想将在她渥太华办公桌上内有加拿大政府有关资料的CD-ROM带走,但是SIRC并没有指明(资料的)具体内容。而且在她被指认为"与那些可能和情报收集活动相关的驻外代表有经常联系"之前,张女士与新华社及一位"石姓"的中国大使馆官员有特定的社交联系。这位男士还被描述为"主要的贸易代表"。 加拿大中国间谍事件曾被热议 加拿大安全情报局(CSIS)在一年前,其负责人金-佳德(Jim Judd)与加拿大参议院国家安全和国防事务委员会进行了谈话。 参议员罗德(Rod Zimmer)询问佳得先生,"其他国家往我们国家派遣(情报)人员吗?我假设他们会..." 佳德说,"是的,他们是来到这里。。。奇怪的是特别活跃的旅行者人数之多和他们来自的地方。我不想做出政治性的错误,所以我不对这些具体的国家点名了,但是在这方面,在一个特定的时间,大约有15个国家是我们比较感兴趣的,人数时多时少,要看当时的情形。" 参议员克林-肯尼(Colin Kenny)," 可以不用怀疑的说,去评论我们看到的有关中国人和他们在这个国家进行的有攻击性的活动的报告不是错误的。政府已经对此进行了公开的评论。"佳德先生则表示他们是15个国家中的一个,而且位于名单的最上面。当被问到处理中国间谍活动是否占了你们大约50%的时间的时候,佳德先生承认,"接近这个数字。" 在去年五月,针对以上谈话,加拿大通讯社、渥太华公民报、多伦多星报、环球邮报等加拿大主流媒体纷纷聚焦外国间谍问题。环球邮报的报导说,"尽管情报局主任不愿直接指出间谍的来源国家。。。但是,国家安全和国防参议院委员会的主席肯尼先生却说,当公众报导都查询到了在加拿大'有侵略性的'的间谍计划是由中国人进行的时候,不指出中国这个国家,几乎是不合适的。"多伦多星报则报导,"两年前,在澳洲寻求庇护的中国官员称,中国在加拿大派驻了数千名间谍和线人,主要分布于温哥华和多伦多;在哈珀总理还是反对党主席的时候曾断言在加拿大的中国间谍可达一千名。" 在去年6月前中-共驻澳大使馆官员陈用林访加期间,更是针对这个问题做出了评论,使得该问题成为当时全加的热议话题。 *张海燕女士的简历: 1963:生于中国大陆的兰州 1998:获得中国大学的新闻系硕士学位 1989:成为中-共国家新闻机构,新华社的第一位驻外女记者 1989-91:新华社驻开罗记者 1995-1999: 移居加拿大,创立一个名为Chinabridge Communications的谘询机构,并获得了渥太华大学经济管理学硕士学位 1999: 获得加拿大公民身份 2002: 成为加拿大政府部门雇员,最开始在加拿大工业部工作 2003年2月: 被雇佣为枢密院(Privy Council Office)的高级分析员 2003年8月:在加拿大安全情报局进行安全调查之后,被枢密院解雇。 2003年11月:在裁决组听完张的申诉后,她再次获得了一个涉及国家安全性较小的政府工作。 2005: 在秘密听证后,情报审查委员会(Security Intelligence Review Committee)支持加拿大安全情报局做出的将张女士从枢密院辞退的决定。 2006: 联邦政府给张女士安排了一个不是要害部门的工作,但是最后被告知回家等候另一个新的安全调查。 2008: 加拿大服务部的一名女发言人称调查还在继续。 (责任编辑:于飞) Loyal civil servant or threat to national security? Recently declassified documents reveal how several Ottawa agencies worked to rid the bureaucracy of one of its rising stars Haiyan Zhang was a rising star in the federal bureaucracy, until a security guard escorted her from her Ottawa office. She was ordered to leave everything behind. Six months into her job as an analyst for the Privy Council Office, a sensitive department that's like Ottawa's nerve centre, a series of red flags had gone up. Now, nearly five years later, documents obtained by The Globe and Mail reveal the specifics of why the Chinese-born Ms. Zhang was declared a threat to national security - and summarily fired. The declassified documents, once marked "top secret" but now filed in Federal Court, yield a rare insight into how, in an era of escalating concern about Beijing's spies, several Ottawa agencies worked to rid the bureaucracy of one perceived threat, Ms. Zhang. Even so, she remains on the government's payroll, having successfully grieved her 2003 ouster. But she has not yet persuaded the government to let her show up to a less sensitive job on a continuing basis; she is being paid to stay home most days, pending the outcome of a new security-clearance investigation, expected shortly. Confident, attractive and trilingual, Ms. Zhang, now 45, had raised eyebrows with her attendance at some Chinese embassy functions in Ottawa and her friendship with a Chinese diplomat. She had also attended gatherings sponsored by her former employer, Xinhua, the state-controlled Chinese news service. The fact that she had visited China eight times in eight years after getting her Canadian citizenship was deemed noteworthy as well. Security-intelligence agents also fixated on a financial transaction - what they allege was a strange $700 gift Ms. Zhang received years earlier from U.S. officials in Egypt who included the money along with a picture frame and mailed it to her. Foreign correspondent "I pose no past, current or future threat to Canada," Ms. Zhang wrote in court-filed documents, which lay out her life story and legal defence. Never charged with any crime, she launched a wrongful-dismissal case that landed in Federal Court. Her lawyer has said she will make no public comments until the case is completely resolved. Born in China in 1963, Ms. Zhang says she loved learning English as a student, especially after Canadian émigrés introduced her to Shakespeare. Top marks in school, she says, led Xinhua to hire her as one of the agency's first female foreign correspondents. Western counterintelligence agencies often liken Xinhua to an intelligence agency, but Ms. Zhang says she was merely a journalist. Most days were filled with drudgery, she says, rewriting foreign news reports for consumption in China. During the early 1990s, while still in her 20s, she was posted to Cairo. She found life in the Xinhua compound there difficult. It reminded her of a "miniature repressive Chinese society," she says in documents filed in her defence. She stresses: "I was NOT a Communist party member." While in Cairo, she says she befriended a man named Bob who worked at the U.S. embassy. She asked for his help getting into U.S. universities. In turn, he requested she give him a writing sample. Ms. Zhang says she came up with "a handwritten piece describing a routine, political study session at the Xinhua bureau" - including how her bosses were asking for more stories from the Middle East as they rejected pieces on the collapse of Communism in Europe. Bob and his wife apparently appreciated Ms. Zhang's friendship. "After I returned to China, to my surprise, I found US $700.00 in the package containing the picture frame they had given me as a going-away gift," she writes. Before she left the Egyptian compound, she says, her bosses had kept close tabs on her, fearing she might be drawn to Western ideals or, worse, Western men. During a rare out-of-country assignment to Kuwait, however, Ms. Zhang met a Canadian at a hotel bar frequented by foreign correspondents. In 1995, they married and moved to Ottawa. After arriving, Ms. Zhang started Chinabridge Communications, a consultancy whose clients included corporations and federal agencies. The idea was to help them make inroads into China. Given the job, Ms. Zhang says, it only made sense to attend some embassy functions - and some parties held by Xinhua. Her attendance was sporadic, she says. In 2002, Industry Canada - a former client - hired Ms. Zhang, now a citizen. "I was precisely the kind of talent the Government of Canada needed," she writes in her filings, "especially as a member of the visible minority community." The PCO soon poached her. Filings show that one official who enticed her to join promised she would learn more in two years at the PCO than in an entire career anywhere else in the government. Officials recall the analyst being a forceful presence in government meetings. But in August, 2003, the PCO took the extremely rare step of firing Ms. Zhang. Credibility problems Ms. Zhang writes she had just gotten back from a trip to China, her eighth taken between 1995 and 2003. This time, she says, she had gone over to attend her brother's funeral and also donated 200 schoolbags to poor children. Regardless, a security guard told her to leave her desk and leave behind everything on it. Five years later, Ms. Zhang is still fighting that decision. "I have never, nor will I ever, divulge any information ... about Canada to anyone that could compromise the interest of the country," she says in court documents. The PCO acted on the advice of Canadian intelligence, which spent six months studying Ms. Zhang's background - a standard check to see whether a civil servant merits "secret" clearance. The Security Intelligence Review Committee, a watchdog body, ended up backing the intelligence investigation completely. After seven days of secret hearings in 2005, the SIRC chairwoman of the time, Paule Gauthier, upheld all the concerns. "As a former employee of Xinhua, the complainant may have engaged in intelligence activities on behalf of a foreign state," reads the once-secret report. It mentions certain social contacts Ms. Zhang made with Xinhua and with a specific Chinese embassy official - a Mr. Shi, described as the "principal trade representative" - before concluding that she "appears to maintain regular contact with foreign representatives who may be involved in intelligence collection activities." The SIRC report then goes on to highlight credibility problems. The story of the $700 gift from "Bob" at the U.S. embassy in Cairo was "highly unusual and unbelievable," according to SIRC, which found it odd that Ms. Zhang couldn't remember her friend's last name. SIRC says the gift raised questions of trustworthiness, as it "gave rise to the appearance the complainant was compensated surreptitiously for the information" by the U.S. government. "Why would she choose a subject that had been discussed at an internal study session by Xinhua?" asks the SIRC report. "The Chinese government did not want the subject matter of the handwritten piece to be published." A CD-ROM Ms. Zhang wanted to take from her Ottawa desk contained information that belonged to the Canadian government, according to SIRC, but it did not divulge precisely what it was. 'SHE WAS SOMEONE WHO WAS NEVER GOING TO DISAPPEAR INTO THE CROWD' The Canadian government may consider Haiyan Zhang a threat to national security, but a prominent movie producer in Montreal thinks better of her. "She was the best student I ever had," said Kevin Tierney in an interview. In a strange wrinkle to the national-security case, the man behind 2006's record-setting Canadian film, Bon Cop, Bad Cop,said he taught Ms. Zhang advanced English in China while working abroad in the early 1980s. Mr. Tierney distinctly recalled meeting Ms. Zhang. He and his wife were teaching English in Lanzhou, 36 hours from Beijing by train. At the time, China wasn't anywhere as open to the West as it is today. But the drive of one teenager, Ms. Zhang, always stood out. "I thought of her as by far the most ambitious," Mr. Tierney said. He recalled teaching Shakespeare's Macbeth to the class. Subversively, he drew parallels between Mao Zedong and his wife and the bloody ambition of the tragedy's namesake couple. In his narrative, premier Zhou Enlai assumed the role of Banquo, the friend betrayed by the couple. The theme was pretty radical for the time, especially for young Chinese students cowed by the Cultural Revolution and its fallout. Yet Ms. Zhang was receptive to the literature and the debates it prompted. "For a young woman, she had loads of confidence, when you weren't supposed to stand out," Mr. Tierney said. "She was someone who was never going to disappear into the crowd." Mr. Tierney returned to Canada and produced movies. His English student became a foreign correspondent. Eventually, she married a Canadian and moved to Ottawa. Once established, she looked up her old English teachers. To Mr. Tierney, it was gratifying to see his former student living out her dreams. But in 2003, federal officials fired Ms. Zhang after branding her a possible espionage threat. "I went from complete shock - and then it became sort of outrageous," said Mr. Tierney, who still occasionally dines at the Zhang house in Ottawa. He noted his friend still doesn't know the full case against her. "At the very least, to be held in abeyance this long seems to me to be cruel and unusual punishment," Mr. Tierney said. He said that, when it comes to Ms. Zhang, he is now less inclined to think of Shakespeare than of another writer. "It's Kafkaesque," he said. Colin Freeze Zhang at a glance Haiyan Zhang's career has including working as a foreign correspondent in Egypt, an analyst's role inside a sensitive Canadian government department and, most recently, a five-year legal battle to go back to work for Ottawa after she was branded a security threat. 1963: Born in Lanzhou, China 1998: Earns a master's degree at the China School of Journalism 1989: Becomes the first female foreign correspondent for Xinhua, China's state-run news agency 1989-91: Reports for the Xinhua bureau in Cairo 1995-1999: Emigrates to Canada, starts Chinabridge Communications, a consultancy. Earns a master's of business administration from the University of Ottawa 1999: Receives Canadian citizenship 2002: Joins the Canadian civil service, starting at Industry Canada February, 2003: Hired by the Privy Council Office as a senior analyst August, 2003: Escorted from her office and fired, following a security-screening investigation by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service November, 2003: An adjudicator hears her grievance and gives Ms. Zhang another job, with a lesser security clearance 2005: After secret hearings, the Security Intelligence Review Committee upholds the CSIS investigation to fire Ms. Zhang from the PCO 2006: The federal government assigns Ms. Zhang to a less sensitive job. She works for only a few days at Service Canada before she is told to go home and await the outcome of a new security investigation 2008: A Service Canada spokeswoman says the investigation is continuing Colin Freeze CSIS and Chinese agents The Canadian government's five-year legal battle with an employee deemed to be an espionage threat is taking place at a time when counterintelligence agents complain that the Chinese agents are keeping them very busy. Jim Judd, director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, had the following exchange with the Senate Committee on National Security and Defence one year ago. Senator Rod Zimmer: Do other countries send individuals into our country? I presume they do... Mr. Judd: Yes, they do come here. ... It is sometimes surprising the number of hyperactive tourists we get here and where they come from. I do not want to be politically incorrect, so I will not name specific countries, but at any given time there are maybe 15 countries that would be of interest to us in that regard. It ebbs and flows, depending on issues. Senator Zimmer: Is it equal, or is there a fair number of individuals who come from certain countries? Mr. Judd: There does tend to be a concentration of sorts, yes. The Chairman (Senator Colin Kenny): Surely it is not politically incorrect to comment on the public reports we have seen about the Chinese and what is reputed to be an aggressive program that they have in this country. The government has commented on this publicly. Mr. Judd: They would be one of the 15 countries. The Chairman: Are they at the top of the list? Mr. Judd: Pretty much. The Chairman: Do they take up 50 per cent of your time? Mr. Judd: Close to it. (Colin Freeze) 环球邮报: _(博××讯记者:晴续) 反對和歡迎聖火傳遞的示×威隊在市內多處起衝突!(图) Go back to top VTM---首爾4月27日電 北京奧運聖火在首爾傳遞的27日,市內多個地點發生反對中國遣返脫北者和西藏政策的抗議示×威和歡迎聖火抵達首爾的支持中國的集會。 在此期間,阻撓聖火傳遞的脫北者人權團體和由居住在國內的中國人參與的中國示×威隊之間,還曾發生"投石戰"。 在聖火傳遞活動3小時前的上午11時10分許,一直開展維護朝鮮居民和脫北者人權運動的德國醫生諾佈雷特•保羅千和"自由青年連帶"代表崔龍浩(音)在試圖參與反中國示×威活動過程中,在夢村土城地鐵站入口被100名疑似中國留學生的支援中國示×威隊成員包圍了20多分鐘。 支援中國示×威隊圍住保羅千和崔龍浩,高喊"同一個世界,同一個夢想"、"我愛中國"、"中國加油"等口號,並直到警方介入才解散。 "基督教社會責任"的徐京錫牧師等"阻止北京奧運聖火傳遞市民連帶"180名成員,從下午1時許開始聚集在奧林匹亞旅遊酒店門前和奧林匹克公園和平之門,舉行集會抗議中國強制遣返脫北者及武力鎮壓西藏示×威。 "綠色自行車服務團"的30多名成員則試圖騎自行車跟隨奧運火炬手,但被警方制止,不得不在中途放棄計畫。 在聖火從附近的奧林匹克公園出發後的下午2時30分許,反中國示×威隊和前來歡送聖火傳遞的留學生等國內的中國人還引發衝突,由警方介入制止雙方。 雙方一邊高呼各自的口號,一邊向對方投擲礦泉水瓶、木棒、石頭等,在此過程中,一名日刊攝影記者遭木棒襲擊後前額受傷,隨後被送往附近醫院。 下午2點55時許,當加山數字園區鐵路職工金亨俊(音、47歲)在江南區新川站附近路口傳遞火炬時,脫北者鄭某(33歲)突然出現試圖阻撓火炬傳遞,但被員警現場制服。 下午3點40時許,在驛三站附近,手拿稀料桶的兩名朝鮮人權團體成員因向員警潑灑稀料抵制火炬傳遞而被捕。 由50余個市民團體組成的"西藏和平連帶"計畫當天下午在首爾市政廳廣場舉行"祈禱西藏實現和平的和平聖火傳遞"活動,而國際人權團體"大赦國際"韓國支部將從當天下午4點開始在首爾市廳前舉行為期兩個小時的"希望中國實現人權自由的蓋圖章"活動。 當天,為護衛聖火順利傳遞,警方出動了警官、武警和義警等8000餘名警力。由20名自行車巡邏隊警員和馬拉松聯誼會所屬120余名員警組成的聖火護衛隊、三輪摩托車隊、巡邏車一路護送火炬手。 此外,到場的所有在韓留學生。都是由中國大使館及領事館的官員組織的,在此之前大使館的聯繫人,聯絡到個大學的中國人留學生會。由此進行的,每個到場的留學生,手裡都有國旗和T恤價錢定在3000-10000元不等(學校收取的費用不同)。 作者:鏷德 韓國首爾為博訊首發報道 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (博××讯 1)利用小说爱国,这也是一大发明 朋友打电话让我对王千源事件发表评论,我说自己好不容易进入到小说世界,不想回头了。朋友又用话来激我,我不为所动。但当他使出了杀手锏,指责现在大家都在爱国的时候,我却沉湎于小说里自得其乐,实在是堕落。对于这种指控,我就耐不住了。我说,爱国不一定要去上街游行,更不一定要对王千源口诛笔伐,甚至对这个小女子的身体来一番意淫才叫爱国吧……。最后我激动地说,对于我来说,写小说,就是我的爱国! 写小说也能爱国?电话那头的朋友很惊讶的声音传过来。 我斩钉截铁地说,是的,利用小说爱国。说完这句话,我才发现,刚才如果只是我顺口说的,那么现在我很确定地知道,写小说也是一种爱国了。 利用小说爱国也许是我今天随口说出来的,但却绝对不是 |
You may fool all of the people some of the time;
you can even fool some of the people all of the time;
but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.
--Abraham Lincoln
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