
[G4G] Re: [G2G] New: Google Finance China, new Finance homepage


Google中国在去年股市大热时曾推出过金融 onebox,即在搜索与股票相关的关键词时会首先出现该股票的相关信息,当时就在期待,要是Google中国能将Google财经本地化就更好啦。今天,这个愿望终于实现,Google财经中国版正式发布。

从产品本身上来讲都很好,因为是继承 Google Finance 本身的诸多优秀特性,而且还汲取了 Google Finance 已发布的其他版本中许多受欢迎的特性,对于广大股民和基民来说是一款不得不尝试一下的产品。而最有意思的还是这次Google财经中文版的发布日期,在印 花税下调,股市回升,近千股票涨停,全民对股市的激情回升的当天发布这项产品,从营销的角度讲是相当成功的。

不过我的疑问是,到底是巧合?或是Google中国对印花税下调提前有消息?还是经过一天的赶工匆忙上线的?巧合与提前知道消息的可能性太小,而一 天的赶工完成这个一个产品也是很难的。所以个人觉得最大的可能是Google财经中国版一直在开发中,也许已经完成,但前段时间的股市持续走低,网民对股 票的关注度也相应下降。而今天的印花税下调,让沉默多日的股民们重新焕发激情,从热榜的上升最快关键词中就能发现,与印花税相关的牢牢占据了前三的位置,而Google中国团队利用一天的时间将一个半成品进行完善到可用的地步应该问题不大。


固定链接: http://www.ilmay.cn/post/google-finance-china.html | 已有 1 条评论

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On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 8:33 AM, 参考消息 <janadatG2G@gmail.com> wrote:
Posted by Feng Hong, Product Manager


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via Official Google Blog by Karen on 4/24/08

Posted by Feng Hong, Product Manager

The Chinese stock market has caught people's attention in recent years. People all over the country started investing, and [stock information] has become one of the most popular search keywords in China. After adding Shanghai/Shenzhen market data into Google Finance and launching the Chinese finance onebox last year, we are excited to announce the launch of Google Finance China. Now it's easier to get Chinese stock and mutual fund data through our easy-to-use and familiar interface in Chinese.

This was a joint effort across continents with engineers from New York and Shanghai. We hope Google Finance China will become a practical tool for Chinese investors to get up-to-date and comprehensive financial information. The site includes popular features such as Google Suggest for stock codes, whether you enter the stock code or name in Chinese or pinyin, and a display of financial information from Chinese sources on the stock price chart.

At the same time we have launched a newly redesigned home page for all our Google Finance sites (U.S., Canada, U.K., China). It's now easier to follow the latest news affecting the market as well as those that are relevant to your portfolio. We hope you enjoy this new look. The simultaneous launch of the new homepage across countries is just one of the new features and updates to come.

As usual, we encourage you to provide us with your ideas and comments through the Help Center. Your feedback is very important for us to continuously improve Google Finance.


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