
[G4G] Re: 特稿:奥巴马遭政治生涯的最大危机

Obama unveils new Afghan strategy

US President Barack Obama delivers his speech on Afghan strategy and will send 30,000 more US troops to the country.

Obama to offer troop increase, timetable for Afghan

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will say on Tuesday he is sending 30,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan by next summer to speed the battle against the Taliban and plans to bring some soldiers home in 19 months.

2009/12/2 参考消息 <go2group@gmail.com>
2009年12月01日 15:46  据中央社报道,美国总统奥巴马经过长达3个多月的长考,即将于1日利用访问西点军校的机会,宣布他的新阿富汗战略。这项所谓的新战略,其实是奥巴马政府鹰派与鸽派之间的妥协


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via 头条新闻 by 多维新闻网 on 12/1/09

多维记者陈润芝/美国总统欧巴马今晚将于西点军校发表全国演说,正式宣布增兵阿富汗,是其上任以来 ……


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