全新谷歌地图大揭秘 |
作者: 《财富》杂志 | |
搜索巨头谷歌大胆出手,谷歌地图焕然一新,变得更美更智能了。 |
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一种全新的感觉…… 谷歌(Google)在最近的I/ O开发者大会上宣布,正在重新设计自己的地图产品。这个软件的许多功能仍然保留下来,但被置入一个占据浏览窗口大部分空间的界面中。此外,谷歌地图服务能 更好的从其他谷歌服务(包括Zagats)中导入信息。有意者可在此注册进行预览。具体变化如下: | | | A totally new take... Google (GOOG, Fortune 500) announced it was redesigning its Maps product at its recent I/O developers conference. Many of the software's features are still there but have been recast in an interface that occupies most of the browsing window. The service also does a better job of pulling in information from other Google services including Zagats. Would-be users can sign up for a preview here. Take a look at the changes. |
搜索栏 谷歌的新搜索栏处于屏幕的左侧。同网络搜索一样,它尝试自动完成搜索。它同时还会列出用户的谷歌账户最近进行过的搜索。 | | | The search bar Google's new search bar hovers over the left-hand side of the screen. It attempts to auto-complete searches, much like Web search. It also lists recent searches from users' Google accounts.
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