
[G4G] Driver drowns after GPS wrong turn

离开GPS的日子里from flow with the life



与开手排车的能力一起迅速绝迹的是follow the signs的能力。回到十几年前,GPS还没有普及,连Google Map都没有,要去一个新地方,只能事先把地图仔仔细细的看熟,不但要记住来回路线,还要记住路线周边的一些道路,以防万一开错路还能back on track。上路以后,就要留心看路上的各种指示牌,还要留心各种标志物,比如加油站、麦当劳、便利店。还要注意看milestone和自己车上的odometer,知道自己开了多远,还有多远需要转弯。



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via The Guardian World News by Giles Tremlett on 10/4/10

Navigation device tells man to go down old road that ends in La Serena, the biggest reservoir in Spain

It is perhaps the secret fear of all users of GPS systems: what if the device gets it wrong and leads you into danger?

The Spanish Red Cross said today this was exactly what happened to a 37-year-old man who died on Saturday night after driving his car into a reservoir near the western town of Capilla.

"It seems the GPS system pointed them on to an old road that ends in the reservoir, and that in the dark they were unable to brake in time, with the car taking just a couple of minutes to sink," the Red Cross said in a statement.

The victim and a single passenger had been driving home towards the southern city of Seville after working at a street fair when the Peugeot 306 ploughed straight into the waters of La Serena reservoir.

Although both men managed to get out of the car, only one of them made it to the shore. Red Cross drivers found the body of the unnamed driver at the bottom of the reservoir on Sunday morning.

The passenger was treated for bruising and light injuries.

Pictures of the scene show the old road running on a slight downhill slope straight into the reservoir, which is the biggest in the country.

There was no explanation of why the GPS still showed the road as usable. La Serena reservoir, which stores water from the River Zújar, was built in 1989.

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