
[G4G] Re: 吴京华(Jinghua Wu) . SiPORT


【加州圣他克拉十五日美联社电】警方经过一天的追捕之後,周六将涉嫌在14日枪杀3名前同事的47岁华裔男子吴京华(音译,Jing Hua Wu)逮捕。
吴京华是在山景城(Mountain View)附近的一个路口被逮捕的,并以3项谋杀指控被送进监狱。他在被捕时身上没有武器,警方也没有在他的车中发现枪支。此前警方在周六接到了情报而获悉了吴京华的下落,并在一家商店附近守候,当他从车中出来後将他逮捕。

警方称,吴京华曾在硅谷的高科技公司SiPort担任产品测试工程师,但在周五早晨被解雇。警方称他在当天下午3时後返回公司。圣他克拉警察局长洛 奇说:「他要求和公司的几个官员进行会谈。在会谈期间,吴京华取出一支9毫米手枪并开枪打死了3人。」遇害的人包括56岁的公司首席执行官 Agrawal、47岁的运营副总裁Pugh以及67岁的人力资源负责人刘易斯。

吴京华已婚,并有一对6岁的双胞胎儿子和一个不到3岁的儿子。他的邻居说他们仍然不能理解吴京华怎么会做出这样的事情。他们说他是一个婚姻幸福的父 亲。在吴京华和妻子11年前搬来的时候就见过他们的邻居波拉特说:「这很让人震惊。吴京华是一个和气聪明的人,性格安静。」他说他的孩子们经常跟吴京华的 孩子一起玩。他还回忆起当吴家夫妇的父母们每年从中国前来探亲时,两口子是多么高兴。波拉特周六晚在吴家门外看到一名女子从家中出来,就问她吴京华的妻子 怎么样了。那名女子说:「不怎么好。」还有一名男子拿着手提箱走进吴家,吴京华的妻子在门口接他。但当记者敲门後,他们并没有应答。




硅谷 。 裁员 。人人自危

硅谷 。裁员 。枪杀案 。 中国工程师

2008/11/17 参考消息 <go2group@gmail.com>


Sid Agrawal
C.E.O. & Director



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于 08-11-16 通过 弯曲评论 作者:陈怀临


Sid Agrawal,56岁。SiPort公司的创办人行政总裁(CEO)兼董事,具备25年创业投资及开创高科技公司的经验,曾在多间知名公司成立初期出任行政管理职位,包括 Alliance Semiconductor、Layer Five Networks和Synaptics等。投身开创新公司之前,他曾先后在Adobe、英特尔(Intel)和Bell Labs等公司出任市场推广、营业及工程部门职位。他早年在印度攻读大学取得电子工程系学士学位,及后在美国南伊利诺大学取得科学硕士学位,並於芝加哥大学取得工商管理硕士学位。

Brian Pugh,47岁。SiPort公司主责业务营运的副总裁(COO),具25年半导体业务经验,加入SiPort前,在科技公司Quorum Systems任职主管,之前曾先后任职在Silicon Wave、Samsung、Watkins-Johnson和IBM等公司出任管理及技术职位。他早年毕业於柏克莱加州大学,取得物理学及电脑学位,后於史丹福大学取得应用物理科学硕士学位。

Marilyn Lewis,67岁。Siport人力资源主管。

SiPort是一家位于硅谷的研发半导体芯片的初创公司,创办于2004年,并于2005年获得风险投资。从其网站www.siport.com 可以看出其产品是关于无线系统多媒体播放的芯片技术。


"The reports of layoffs at SiPort, a Santa Clara, Calif.-based company that prompted killing of three executives are wrong, according to a statement issued by the company. Like me, everyone assumed that there were layoffs and that led to the shooting. Last week Silicon Valley was shocked by the shooting of three SiPort executive by alleged killer, Jing Hua Wu who is currently under arrest by the Santa Clara Police Department. Wu was terminated individually and not as part of a general layoff.

A spokesperson for one of SiPort's investors Morgenthaler Ventures wrote to me in an email: "SiPort has never had a general layoff at the company and in fact, the company added to its staff in 2008. SiPort started shipping their HD Radio chips earlier this year and the customers seem to really like it. We were not laying people off." The shooting killed CEO Sid Agrawal; Brian Pugh, VP of operations; and Marilyn Lewis, who was the human resources manager. SiPort Founder Aiman Kabakibo has taken over as the CEO." (原文可参阅:SiPort Shooting: No Layoffs, Killer Was Fired



Sid Agrawal
C.E.O. & Director


Sid brings more than twenty five years of experience at startup and established high technology companies. At startup ventures, Sid has held executive management positions at Alliance Semiconductor (IPO), Layer Five Networks (acquired by Juniper) and Synaptics (IPO). Prior to startups, Sid held leadership marketing, sales and engineering positions at Adobe, Intel and Bell Labs. Sid holds a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, an M.S. degree from Southern Illinois University and an M.B.A. degree from the University of Chicago.

Aiman Kabakibo
Vice President of Engineering & Director

Aiman brings more than eighteen years of experience in VLSI and Systems engineering. Prior to co-founding SiPort, Aiman held the position of Vice President of VLSI and Subscriber Engineering at Terayon where he brought to market more than twenty integrated circuits for cable modem and CMTS products, which had a combined volume over ten million units. Aiman was also responsible for the development of the DOCSIS cable modem product line for Terayon, which shipped over 2 million units. Prior to his nine years at Terayon, Aiman held multiple engineering management positions at HAL Computer Systems/Fujitsu and Sun Microsystems. Aiman holds BSEE degree from University of Tennessee and MSEE degree from Purdue University.

Sunder Velamuri
Vice President of Marketing

Sunder brings twenty years of experience in the Semiconductor industry. He has defined visionary products for the mobile, embedded, automotive and consumer electronics markets. Prior to joining SiPort, Sunder served as the General Manager of Mobile Products at Nvidia Corporation. Prior to Nvidia, Sunder co-founded and led the marketing and product development efforts at MediaQ, a highly successful handset chip provider (acquired by Nvidia). Prior to the ten years at MediaQ/Nvidia, Sunder held management and technical positions at S3, Chips and Technologies and National Semiconductor. Sunder holds a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Osmania University, Hyderabad, India and M.S.E.E degree from North Carolina A&T State University







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