
[G4G] Re: Why I came and continue to stay/为什么来并留下去?

Why I came and continue to stay/为什么来并留下去

Was I lying to myself?/是否欺骗自己?


Before I came to China in 2003, one of my relatives asked me if I was running away from something.  We are not that close, so the question came as a shock to me.  This person is a very successful lawyer.  She’s used to a direct search for the truth, even if it makes people feel uncomfortable.



I told her what I believed.  I did not come to China to escape.  But because of her question, I began to doubt my self-knowledge and the good that I thought I was pursuing.  Was I lying to myself with an oversimplification?



The explanation I told her and all my other friends and relatives was that I made a promise to myself when I earned my master’s in TESL in 1998 to use my education in a developing region.  Since I was in debt due to my studies, I first took a job in Tokyo.  I left four years later financially secure and with an interest in Asia. 



At the time I knew I wanted to come to China, but not a large and developed city like Beijing or Shanghai.  Instead I got a job through an NGO in Hong Kong in a city I had never heard of: Nanchang.  



I told my family and friends that my purpose was just to go there for a year or two but after that I wasn’t sure.  




“Rhinos in Love”/《恋爱的犀牛》



The anniversary of my arrival in China in February of 2003 has just passed.  Save 13 months working in America, I have spent all my time in this culture.  In all it’s been about five years, much longer than I planned and beyond what I hoped.  



Last week while watching a play I was reminded of the complexity of the reasons I came and stayed.  I saw “Rhinos in Love” at the National Centre for Performing Arts with some colleagues and friends.  It was a very post-modern production, complete with a sense of the incomplete, moving in a direction clear to no one.  In this sense, it is not just a Chinese play, but an international one because these styles and themes can be seen from Broadway to London.



Since I was not able to understand much of the dialogue, my senses focused on the lighting and blocking. The set was plain and if it represented a person’s spirit, it was an empty life indeed.  The lighting was also plain but deft.  Squares of light filled the discreet spaces of this life, creating walls out of shadows.  The actors ran in and out of darkness and light, sometimes delivering their lines in the blind.  As if uncomfortable in neither dark nor light, they did more running than walking.  The things that made them run were only half clear to me. But their angst and search for a love to fulfill them were obvious.


“I won’t leave you and I won’t let you leave me!”



The main character clearly repeated this line throughout.  He sought a love he couldn’t have, a love he perhaps was not capable of.  Insofar as the woman he desired was in a similar predicament, it can be called a story of love.  Not a love story, but a story of love.



In the closing moments, my confusion came to an imperfect resolution. I felt a conflict between charity and possession. My heart was left to pity a man and woman spiritually and emotionally deceived who pursue what they thought was good but fail.  They failed to escape themselves and their own notion of what was good for them.  



However, as the play ended with bows and applause there was a quixotic plea for the audience to continue pursuing what is good.  I have seen this at other Chinese plays, an unnecessary punctuation mark that sounds more hopeless than intended.  It is as if the director is trying to convince himself and the audience that there is still meaning in life.  To me, this was the saddest part of the play.




A more mature answer/更成熟一些的答案



There came a point in my time in China when I knew that using my education in a developing country was a necessary spiritual deception.  I believed it and it was true, to an extent.  It was a childish answer to a more complex and mature question. Because while I was pursuing something good, I was confronted with difficulties whose answers became more meaningful than the goodness I sought.  This process has given me a more mature answer.



The past few years have been some of the most difficult in my life.  I have experienced debilitating loneliness.  I have been confronted with fear of failure, fear of losing financial stability, fear of the loss of the chance of true love.  I have been blinded by frustration with my own shortcomings and those of the people around me.  But my loneliness has been ameliorated with unexpected friends.  My fears have been met with opportunity and hope.  My frustration has been revealed for what it is with a spiritual light. Difficulties remain, but in China I see myself becoming the man I’ve always hoped to be.  



I feel no longer that I am pursuing a simple goodness but that truth and goodness pursue me in all their complexity, even if it makes me uncomfortable, frightened and sad at times.  This is why I came and why I stay.  It is my own story of love, which is a matter of providence, but this also is simply a matter of faith.  


2009/2/26 参考消息 <go2group@gmail.com>
魏一帆 更新于2009年02月25日
Was I lying to myself?/是否欺骗自己?
Before I came to China in 2003, one of my relatives asked me if I was running away from something. We are not that close, so the question came as a shock to me. This person is a very successful lawyer. She’s used to a direct search for the truth, even if it makes people feel uncomfortable.

I told her what I believed. I did not come to China to escape. But because of her question, I began to doubt my self-knowledge and the good that I thought I was pursuing. Was I lying to myself with an oversimplification?

I told my family and friends that my purpose was just to go there for a year or two but after that I wasn’t sure.


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