来源HiPhone and APhone A6 - Top 10 Chinese Knockoffs - TIME
HiPhone and APhone A6
Apple在中国也许只有一间旗舰店 — 设在北京,上海店将在暑假开业— 不过山寨iPhone早已成为中国蓬勃发展的山寨数码行业的"战斗机"了。最早山寨出来的Hipphone,售价只有100美元。不过由于它设计充满缺陷,App程序也运作佳,而被《wired》杂志副主编08年11月在网上撰文揶揄:"这叫Hipphone是因为只有喝high了的人才会买吧。" 自此以来,山寨iPhone开始融入自己的创新,越仿越好了。去年11月上市的APhone A6可以用iPhone界面运行Google的Anroid操作系统。现在,让我们一起期待山寨4G iPhone早日光临上海街头吧。
在上海最大的山寨产品市场汉城广场中售卖的iPad看起来和真的没两样,不过如果仔细观察,还是能辨别出几点微妙的不同。山寨产品比真的iPad小了一圈,不过考虑到它的附加特征,这是可以原谅的,这些附加特征包括USB端口、嵌入式相机和可扩容记忆棒插槽—这都是iPad没有的。还有价格怎么样呢?大概是140美元(用我还过的去的中文努力砍价之后的价钱), 据专门研究中国山寨行业的网站shanzai.com的编辑 Timothy James Brown说,"现在中国市场上大概有30中不同的山寨iPad产品,名称也从Cynovo's C7 tablet到有创意的iPed 差别很大。对这些产品而言,是竞争带来了创新—因此才有了更多的功能。" Apple公司可能会希望他们在推出下一代正品之前把摄像头撤下来,不过 Brown 补充道,"这些企业才不会遵守游戏规则。"
"谷哥"走了,不过天朝网民还有"谷姐"呢。它1月上市时,Google正因审查标准和屡次受网络攻击而大闹要退出中国。这个标新立异的网站主页同时具有 Google和 百度主页的特征。它的logo,用的就是Google的字体和百度的商标"爪子"图。商标,是唯一不能拿来搞笑的,于是2月百度公司向Goojje发送了一份勒令停止通知函,不过Goojje还是坚持恶搞,几个月过去了,"爪子"未撤,网站照开。
Nat Nat鞋
山寨品牌"Avivas" 和 "Pama"早已在中国泛滥,与之相比,山寨Converse高帮鞋的Nat Nat鞋就显得有创意得多了。 Nat Nat鞋在鞋底装了一圈拉链,顾客能够随意装卸,将布鞋变凉鞋,恍然片刻从城市移行海滩。30美元一双的价格十分公道,照旧,让人质疑的还是它的质量。根据shanzai.com的点评,这鞋"不够结实,感觉廉价",因此创意高分,质量低分。
08年的南京,一个开发商为招商引资,将山寨精神发挥了极致。这条街满是知名国际品牌的山寨名号,如KFG、Pizza Huh、Haagon Bozs和Bucksstar Coffee,琳琅满目。 这一公关行为在某一程度获得了成功,它的照片传遍了网络,被网友们冠名为"山寨街",不过最后还是难逃有关部门的"拆除令"。
环海Landscape VA3 and 力帆320
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via techcrunch.com on 6/27/10
by Guest Author on Jun 27, 2010
This is a guest post by Gang Lu, a Shanghai-based blogger and consultant. His blog mobinode.com covers the Chinese and Asian Web industry, and he also co-founded OpenWeb.Asia workgroup and KUUKIE.com.
Twitter hit $1 billion valuation within 3 years. Facebook reached equal valuation with 2 years. It only took Groupon a year and a half. In April, a consortium led by Russian investment company DST invested $135 million on Groupon, making the valuation of Groupon shoot up to $1.35 billion.
The excitement has lead to many Groupon-clones in China. This market is already overheated and much crazier than people expected. Reports say there are between 100 and 200 Groupon-clones in the market already. Some of them already raised a large bucket of money, and several deals are around $5 million. RenRen, the leading Chinese social network, launched its own group purchase site called Nuomi, and it only took hours for 152,095 users to buy an offer for 2 movie tickets, 2 cokes, 1 box of popcorn and 1 Häagen-Dazs ice cream.
But what are the odds of survival for the Chinese clones?
1. Group Purchase, New and Old business model. If you think sites like Tudou, Youku are copycats of YouTube and Renren, Kaixin001 are copycats of Facebook, I can understand that because there were no video-sharing sites, social networks sites similar to those western services in China. But the Groupon model isn't 100% new for China. Group Purchase (in Chinese it's called Tuan Gou) is hugely popular in China especially in home improvement/home decoration market where thousands of people got connected online and buy the same products together in street shops in order to get a good bulk-discount.
I met the co-founder of the leading group buy service site TG.com.cn weeks ago. He said his company is expecting rmb 50 million after-tax income and getting ready for an IPO. So the consumer education cost for Groupon model is nearly zero. It is an 'old' model, but one that has 'new' features to Chinese consumers since the purchases are online and there's the 'deal of the day' strategy. No one ever made the online group purchase experience so easy in China.
2. An easier model to survive? Unlike video-sharing, social networks, Twitter models which are all about burning money to build its user-base at the beginning, Groupon clones are making cash-flow since the first day. And the Groupon model focuses on one deal in one city. In China, it's not difficult to find a deal and the Internet in China is very geographically-based. It should be relatively easier for those startups to survive.
However, if you have many targeting the same market, then it's all about how to do the marketing in the end. Can you offer better share with those merchants? Do you have enough money to reach more industry sectors and grow faster? Surviving is one thing, at some point, you may also need huge money to burn. (Why did Groupon raise such amount of $$$ even when it's already hot!!)
3. Better Service or Better Price? I've read some feedback from some Chinese Groupon users complaining about the service. 'Cheap price does not mean we also accept cheap service', they said. Groupon can offer you good price, but they can not guarantee whether or not the merchants are able to offer mass customers the service with the good quality. When your users come to you only for cheaper price, be careful, because that might also imply the customer loyalty is low. Especially in China, your customer can quickly move to another one with cheaper price or a big one with better service guaranteed.
4. Happy or Sad story in the end? Startups vs. Big guys. This is typically a sad story in China. When Web giants see interesting new business models, instead of partnering with you or acquiring yours, they launch something on their own. Renren's Nuomi has shown its super power with huge user base. Taobao, has launched its Groupon service on ju.taobao.com, and Dianpin (the leading Yelp-like service) has also launched its t.dianping.com.
They have not started heavy promotion yet, but they are watching the market until they are fully ready and the market is more mature. So why are Chinese VCs still rushing for those startups? How do they expect these sites to exit one day? A few very lucky ones could take the lead in the end with enough money to burn, or one of them could be acquired by Groupon if it comes to China one day? I'm not so sure.
5. Innovation or just Interesting? The Groupons' Aggregator There are so many Groupon services in China, and I am assuming there are more to come. So the question becomes, where to efficiently find the best deals on each service. The answer is obvious; we need a search engine. Now we see the sites such as tg123.com, niutuan.com, 122.net to aggregate and navigate Groupon services. I don't know what kind of partnerships are involved, but it's smart, isn't it? At least, it perfectly fits for overcrowded Chinese market.
Before you finish the reading, the following is a list of our favorite Groupon-clones (via web20share.com).
1. Lashou
- Highlights: recently has closed $5million investment and company valuation is reported around rmb 1 billion.
- Main Group Purchase Item: Restaurant, Pub, KTV, SPA, Hairdressing, Yoga and other selected featured firms.
- Currently Covered Cities: Over 100 cities including Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Daqing, Nanchang etc.
2. Meituan
- Highlights: it's founded by Wang Xin, the guy also co-founded first Chinese Facebook, Xiaonei.com (now Renren.com) and first Chinese Twitter, Fanfou.com (now closed);
- Main Group Purchase Item: Restaurant, Pub, KTV, SPA, Hairdressing, Yoga, etc.
- Currently Covered Cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan
3. Mituan
- Main Group Purchase Item: Quality local living services
- Currently Covered Cities: Hangzhou
4. Cooltuan
- Main Group Purchase Item: Restaurant, SPA, Photography, Hairdressing, Cinema, Gym, Live CS Show, etc.
- Currently Covered Cities: Shanghai
5. Manzuo
- Main Group Purchase Item: Delicacy, Tour, Gym and SPA, etc.
- Currently Covered Cities: Beijing
- Main Group Purchase Items: Food & Beverage, Pub, SPA, KTV, Hairdressing, Yoga, Training and transaction, etc.
- Currently Covered Cities: Beijing, Chengdu, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Jinan, Nanning, Qingdao, Shanghai, Shenyang, Suzhou, Tianjin, Xiamen, Taiyuan and Zhengzhou.
7. Groupon365
- Main Group Purchase Item: hottest, and the most fashionable goods
- Currently Covered Cities: Qingdao
8. Tuank
- Main Group Purchase Item: Restaurant, Pub, KTV, SPA, Hairdressing, Yoga and other selected featured firms.
- Currently Covered Cities: Nanchang
9. Runtuan
- Main Group Purchase Item: Restaurant, Pub, KTV, SPA, Hairdressing, Yoga etc.
- Currently Covered Cities: Guangzhou
10. 55tuan
- Main Group Purchase Item: Restaurant, KTV, SPA, Hairdressing, Yoga etc.
- Currently covered cities: Beijing
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