
Re: [G4G] 新唐人电视 【禁闻】格尔登仁波切:中共政策导致自焚


Kasia Hu <hometown.kasia@gmail.com> 於 2011年11月14日上午1:23 �道:


新唐人电视 www.ntdtv.com 2011-11-14 08:54
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格 尔登仁波切:�我举个例子,为什么说制造假象和假的宣传。因为在西藏各个寺院的习俗里面他有一个专门的殿叫护法殿,护法殿里会摆设一些轻武器。有些是西藏 的刀和小型的枪支,是藏民放在里面,发誓不再杀生或者打猎。中共利用这种现象,装入现代武器,然后把它拍下来,然后让中国老百姓知道格尔登寺为什么会有这 么多枪支,就是为了反对现在的政府作战用的。�





格 尔登仁波切:�最近它(中共)在寺院中加强爱国主义教育与自焚事件,我认为,是有关联的。在爱国主义教育过程中,比方说,身为一个出家人,他们把达赖喇嘛 视为最高的上师。在爱国主义教育的过程中,它们(中共)要求踩,用脚踩达赖喇嘛的画像。这种从藏人的角度、从出家人的角度,不要说做,说都不敢说的行 为。�






CCP Policy Lead Cause of Self-Immolation?

Since March, a dozen Tibetans have immolated themselves.
The first self-immolation occurred in Kirti Monastery, Sichuan.
Living in exile in India, Kirti Rinpoche agreed to an
interview with an NTD Television reporter in New York.

Rinpoche was the former head lama of Kirti Monastery,
who now lives in India.
Kirti Monastery, with a history of 120 years,
is the largest Tibetan monastery in Aba county, Sichuan.
Since March this year, a monk named Pan Cuo set himself on
fire to protest the regime’s new religious policy. He died later.
Soon, Kirti Monastery was surrounded by CCP
(Chinese Communist Party) security men.

Rinpoche said that the CCP uses Tibetan Buddhist customs
to create illusions and propaganda.

Rinpoche: “I’ll give you an example of why I said
CCP creates illusions and propaganda.
In Tibet, every monastery has a special hall
called “Law Enforcement Hall.”
In the hall there are some light weapons displayed.
Including Tibetan knives and guns.
Tibetans put the weapons in the hall,
and swear that they will not be used for killing and hunting.
CCP replaced them with modern weapons and took pictures,
telling people that the weapons are for fighting against CCP.”

The CCP uses various methods to ruin the reputation
of the monks in Kirti Monastery.

Rinpoche: “There is another scenario. CCP gets pornography
discs and says they are from Kirti Monasery.
And people then believe that Buddhists are faked. Why?

“We, CCP, found some pornography discs inside
the monastery.” So these are very bad deeds.”

Rinpoche says that CCP’s behavior is self-deceiving. He
revealed that the CCP also proclaimed that monks have AIDS.
CCP uses Pan Cuo monk’s self-immolation incident, letting a
monk tell media that police and doctors treated him “very well.”

Rinpoche believes that CCP’s patriotic education
has many problems.
Particularly requesting monks to obey CCP orders,
or even publicly insult the monks’ faith.

Rinpoche: “Recently, CCP’s enforcing of patriotic education
is connected to the self-immolation incident.
During the patriotic education, for example,
Monks respect Dalai Lama as the highest supreme master.
CCP asks monks to step on Dalai Lama’s portrait. From
Tibetans and monks point of view, they would never dare to.

After Pan Cuo Lama’s self-immolation, CCP claimed he was
guilty of his family’s homicide. The public is unconvinced.

Rinpoche revealed that CCP rewards RMB10,000 to
RMB 30,000 to monks who were secularized.
CCP also restricted the monks age, dismissed monks who
refused patriotic education, and disallowed temples to accept local monks.

Rinpoche believes that CCP’s religious policy
is the leading cause to the recent Tibetan tragedies.
He hopes the CCP changes the religious policy,
and has dialogue with Tibetans.

Rinpoche said that after watching the video of Yue Yue’s
tragedy, the little Foshan girl, he is very sad.
He said that the incident showed the people’s moral standard
declined. CCP’s Tibet policy is also an issue of moral standard.

NTD reporters Hu Hihua and Zhou Ping

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