
[G4G] Re: 细数十大网络监控国(墙国中不溜)


作者:空心菜   来源:http://ywanght.blogspot.com/2009/05/blog-post_8331.html

从2009年5月15日开始,Blogger就被伟大的gfw给墙了, 960万平方公里的神州大地于是掀起了新一轮的Fuck GFW热浪,我老人家幸而不幸地成为这众多翻墙者之一。用了几天在线代理,也还顺利;下午看了一篇清华学生写的GFW运作原理的论文,这篇论文中的测试结果表明,自由门是目前最好的翻墙软件。于是我按文索门,在网上找到了自由门的软件,试用了一下,效果还真不错。――只是清华学生这么明目张胆地把论文发表到公开刊物和网络上,不是给了那些网络嗅探狗们一个极好的地图么?且不管它了。




发一封标题为GFW的邮件到fanqiangyakexi1@gmail.com,就可获取翻墙利器赛风新地址。附《数字时代》赠阅版。被墙网站收集:http://delicious.com/GFWbookmark,请使用GFWlist为标签,帮助我们收集被墙网站的信息。敬请订阅GFW Blog:http://feeds2.feedburner.com/chinagfwblog,邮件订阅:

TOR的使用方法 [2010年9月更新] [Windows系统]

作者:Andrea    来源:http://andreakpan.wordpress.com/2010/09/27/tor%E7%9A%84%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E6%96%B9%E6%B3%95-2010%E5%B9%B49%E6%9C%88%E6%9B%B4%E6%96%B0-windows%E7%B3%BB%E7%BB%9F/

面对GFW的不断升级,网桥都难以奏效,还在苦苦地给Gmail发邮件吗? 怀着期望点击”Find Bridges”按钮吗? 是不是失望了好多回?
到底TOR还能不能用? 答案是: 能.

这篇文章写给Windows操作系统的用户. 但其思路,也可以为其他系统用户提供参考.


安装TOR组件需要.NET Framework平台,如果您已经安装,则可以省略这步,如果没有,这里下载安装:http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=zh-cn&FamilyID=0856eacb-4362-4b0d-8edd-aab15c5e04f5.

Tor组件下载: http://drop.io/nogfwhere/asset/vidalia-bundle-0-2-1-26-0-2-9-exe ,点击页面右侧的[Download]即可.

本文分成”安装部分”,”初阶配置部分”和”浏览器设置部分” ,若您已经下载并安装了Vidalia TOR Windows组件,可以跳过”安装部分”,直接从”初阶配置部分”开始看.

***安装部分 开始***

TOR的安装,在一开始出现的选择安装部件中,Tor Button供Firefox用户选用,若您有Foxyproxy插件,则无需安装Tor Button; IE用于不要安装Tor Button,如下图设定:

安装完毕后,如果TOR软件自动运行开始尝试连接,这个时候当然是不会成功的..点击”Stop Tor”按纽停止连接(但是不要退出),我们要接着看初阶配置部分,让TOR高效地运作起来.

***安装部分 结束***

***初阶配置部分 开始***

现在GFW对TOR的封杀,可谓惊天地,泣鬼神,网桥啊什么的基本上都不管用了,怎么办呢? 利用免费试用VPN咯,我使用的是VPN123,下载页面这里:http://www.vpn123.com/download.php,这是一款绿色软件,下载到任意文件夹,双击打开,输入页面提供的帐号和密码,选择哪个服务器,成功后任务栏会有一个图标(如下图). 即表示成功.供测试的帐号和说明在这里:http://www.vpn123.com/freetrial.php. 虽然只有短短20分钟的试用,但是对于链接上TOR是绰绰有余.

登录成功后,双击如上图任务栏那边带红叉叉的洋葱头图标,点击在控制面板中的”Start Tor”按纽,直到洋葱头变绿色,提示”Connected to the Tor network!”.(如下图)

连大概1,2分钟吧,让TOR读取更多的节点,巩固一下. 然后断开,找到”"C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Application Data\Vidalia\torrc”这个文件,注意,这个文件是没有后缀名的,所以双击后,会提示你用什么程序打开编辑,选择”记事本”即可.

ExcludeNodes {CN},{cn},{HK},{hk},{MO},{mo},{de},{DE},{jp},{JP},{RU},{ru},starwolf,California,b17a21c8,auebtor,Privacyhosting,Groanbox,antiflex,ZobrakDotNet,sykotikRO, Piper,bones0atpstrichguhl,andrewgao,distro,fgsinternet,flyingboy,frland,gtjaet,cnrss,yt1n1rt, nouser,qltor,waq,wondering,asdfawef,thu

注意ExluceNodes起头的这部分是一整行,虽然长得有点吓人,然后,记得关掉VPN123,重新”Start Tor”,是不是连上了? LOL!

***初阶配置部分 结束***

***浏览器设置部分 开始***

http协议,, 端口8118. (确定Polipo或Privoxy已经运行,我发布的版本和安装方法,已经包含了Polipo,默认伴随Vidalia后台运行)
Socks5协议,, 端口9050. (有些浏览器不支持Socks5协议,菜菜们如果不懂,就设置8118端口)

**浏览器设置部分 结束***



作者:小雨  来源:翻墙看世界

无界手机测试版:支持除iPhoneAndriod外所有java手机;运行开始时可能会出现一些安全提示,如:是否允许UltraSurfMobileMIDlet上网?是否打开安全连接?此网页含不受信任的证书(untrusted certificate),继续吗?请选择“继续”。:“含不受信任的证书”是为用户安全翻墙所需。
无界手机测试版 andriod:适用于Andriod手机;如出现安全提示,请选择“继续”。
*使用Google Chrome可安装以下插件配合使用:

2010/10/7 参考消息 <go2group@gmail.com>


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via 译言-每日精品译文推荐 by Joseph1987 on 10/5/10

来源Top 10 Countries That Censor The Internet

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has registered that in several countries in Asia and the Middle East, information is submitted to censorship by their governments. In some cases, the dictatorships or totalitarian regimes restrict the access to this media and impose prison penalties for uploading any “misleading” information to personal webpages. Here is a list of the 10 top countries where blogging activity is considered risky and in which you can get in serious trouble for doing so.  


10 Turkmenistan

10 土库曼斯坦

To most Turkmen the internet is a luxury due to its high cost, a strategy used by the government to dissuade people from using it. The only internet service provider is the government, and it blocks access to a lot of sites, while monitoring all the email accounts in Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail. Also, websites run by human rights organizations and news agencies are blocked, and any attempt to get around the censorship could lead to grave consequences  

由于费用高昂,对大多数土库曼人来说,网络成了奢侈品。土库曼斯坦政府也正是利用这个手段限制人们使用网络。政府是国内唯一的网络服务商,它一方面封堵许多网络入口,另一方面还对所有Gmail Yahoo Hotmail 账户实行监控。此外,一些人权组织和新闻机构的网站也被纷纷堵死,任何试图规避政府监控的行为将带来严重后果。

9 Vietnam

9 越南

The government of Vietnam asked Yahoo, Google and Microsoft to give out the information of all the bloggers that use their platforms. The Government has created an agency exclusively to monitor the content exposed on the internet, blocking websites critical to the Vietnamese government, expatriate political parties, and international human rights organizations, among others.  

越南政府要求YahooGoogle Microsoft这些网络平台将所有博客用户的信息对外公布。政府还成立专门机构,监控网络信息,封锁对越南政府有成见的网络,并将其他政党、国际人权组织等组织机构驱逐出境。

8 Tunisia


Tunisian internet service providers must report to the government the IP addresses and personal information of all bloggers on a regular basis, in order to keep them identified and under constant watch. All the traffic goes through a central net with which the government filters all content uploaded and monitors emails. Tunisia has also blocked thousands of websites (such as pornography, mail, search engine cached pages, online documents, conversion and translation services) and peer-to-peer and FTP transfer.  


7 Syria


Any blogger who expresses any kind of anti-government feelings, or any kind of opinion that may “jeopardize national unity”, is arrested. Also sites that criticize the government are instantly blocked. The owners of Cyber Cafes are obligated to ask all of their customers for identification, leave a name registration and time of use, and report them to the authorities. In addition to filtering a wide range of Web content, the Syrian government monitors Internet use very closely and has detained citizens “for expressing their opinions or reporting information online.”  


6 People’s republic of China

6. 中国

China has the most rigid censorship program in the world. It counts with providers of services that filter searches, block sites, erase any “inconvenient” content and monitor email traffic. China blocks or filters Internet content relating to Tibetan independence, Taiwan independence, police brutality, the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, freedom of speech, pornography, some international news sources and propaganda outlets, certain religious movements, and many blogging websites. Fortunately, Listverse is not on their banned list (though it may be after this list).  

中国有着世界上最严格的网络监控程序。其网络服务商过滤网络搜索,屏蔽网站(lz注:原文作者好像应该在网站前加上“不良”二字),抹除“不良”内容,并监视邮件往来。中国封杀或过滤掉与藏独、台独、警察暴力、XXX、言论自由、色情、一些国际新闻来源、宣传电台、某些宗教活动及许多博客网站等有关的网络内容。庆幸的是,Listverse 并不在屏蔽之列(但是不排除发布该帖之后被屏蔽的可能)。

5 Iran

5. 伊朗

Bloggers that dare to criticize the government or any religious or political figure are detained and harassed. The government demands that anyone who has a blog or personal page must go register in the Ministry of Art and Culture. Government has filtered webpages with contents critical of the government, pornographic websites, political blogs and, especially recently, women’s rights websites, weblogs and online magazines.  


4 Saudi Arabia

4. 沙特

Around 400,000 sites have been blocked, including any that board political, social or religious topics. According to a study carried out in 2004 by the OpenNet Initiative, Saudi Arabia has “the most aggressive censorship focused on pornography, drug use, gambling, religious conversion of Muslims, and filtering circumvention tools.”  

在沙特,有大约40万个网站被屏蔽,所有涉及政治、社会及宗教话题的网页都在屏蔽之列。2004the OpenNet Initiative的一项研究显示,沙特对“色情、毒品、赌博、穆斯林宗教信仰转换、翻墙工具的审查最为最严厉”。

3 Cuba

3. 古巴

Cuba has the lowest ratio of computers per inhabitant in Latin America, and the lowest internet access ratio of all the Western hemisphere. Citizens have to use government controlled “access points”, where their activity is monitored through IP blocking, keyword filtering and browsing history checking. Only pro-government bloggers and government employees are allowed to upload content to the internet.  


2 Burma

2. 缅甸

Censorship of printed and audiovisual media. There is minimal internet penetration in civil life and any that exists is heavily monitored by the government, which filters emails and blocks access to human rights groups and opposition groups sites.  


1 North Korea

1. 朝鲜

Only a few hundred thousand citizens in North Korea, representing about 4% of the total population, have access to the Internet, which is heavily censored by the national government. The North Korean network is monitored heavily with only two websites being hosted under a domain name. All websites are under government control, as is all other media in North Korea. Naturally, blogging is not allowed and all content is uploaded or approved by the North Korean government.              




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