
[G4G] Re: 中国民主党全国联合总部关于刘浩锋种种表演的声明


在 2010年10月7日 下午12:23,baiqiao tang <tbqfl64@hotmail.com>写道:


Baiqiao Tang (唐柏桥)

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Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2010 00:09:05 -0400
Subject: 中国民主党全国联合总部关于刘浩锋种种表演的声明
From: wenli_xu@brown.edu
To: gongminliliang@googlegroups.com
CC: thomasgguo@gmail.com







坚决支持全联总对刘诰峰的声明。         北京查建国 2010107


在 2010年10月5日 下午11:39,guo thomas <thomasgguo@gmail.com>写道:


2010/10/5 LG <cdp200159@gmail.com>

Counterclaim of defenders of President Jiang Zemin, requests for humanitarian treatment of Falun Gong members
Chinese Foreign Minister Mr. Yang Jiechi, Spanish Ambassador Mr. Carlos Blasco Villa, Please convey this letter!

Dear Mr. Ismael Moreno, Spanish National Court Judge of Madrid:

外交部杨洁篪部长和西班牙大使卡洛斯.布拉斯克先生:  请传达本信件!
西班牙马德里国家法院法官伊斯梅尔莫雷诺先生: 您好!

Statement of Complaint

Plaintiff 1: Liu Haofeng, President of Chinese largest opposition party: “National Citizens Committee of China Democracy Party & Chinese Anti-cult Center of the World”, Responsible of Organizing Committee of Central Committee of China Democracy Party, born in Shaoyang of Hunan province, ID card number: 430522197511144637. Beijing office Tel: 13520047283

Plaintiff 2: Zhang Jun, born in June 1965, employee of Agricultural Bank of China, branch of Jinxiang County, ID card number: 370828196506133654. Tel: 13406289778


Defendant: King of the Kingdom of Spain, Juan Carlos I
被告:西班牙王国国王,胡安卡洛斯一世(Juan Carlos I)

1. Make an announcement to the world, withdraw immediately the malicious litigation against Mr. Jiang Zemin, former Chinese head of state; cancel the evil deeds of the forces of evil and their organizations, which continue to corrupt the holiness of Christ in Spain. Only Jesus Christ’s "spirit of love" can warm it and transform it, to avoid the Spain people being bewitched by the evil doctrine and walking into real hatred under the guise of “truthfulness, goodness and tolerance”.



2. The king was induced unilaterally and used maliciously, so in your country there has been malicious litigation against Mr. Jiang Zemin, former Chinese head of state. If you still have noble conscience, please make public apology with a feeling of guilt to Mr. Jiang Zemin, to the Chinese Communists and to the Chinese people. That will be the moment when the world believes that the heart of His Majesty is bright and is not used by the forces of evil any more, but become a messenger of defending Christ’s light of love.


3, Issue a decree that Mr. Li Hongzhi should follow the example of Vatican Catholic Church who made the public confession to the men killed in the anti-Catholicism Boxers rebellion, to make a public confession to the innocent victims died during stiff opposition and conflicts, mislead by the evil cult in China.


Based on the Spanish law and “the principle of reciprocity” in the second paragraph of article 71 of Chinese “Administrative Procedure Law”, here we pursue litigation against the King.


依据西班牙法律和中国《行政诉讼法》第七十一条第二款 “实行对等原则” 。特对国王提出诉讼。

Fact I:


“Li Hongzhi’s doctrine of evil cult and Falun Gong Group”, the most rare and deceptive force in thousands years of Chinese history, brought disaster to Chinese culture by promoting "pseudo-wheel" , induced and mislead on a large scale the masses who didn’t know the truth, attempted to bring China into the scourge of civilization and back into “the Middle Ages”. At this crucial moment in history, Mr. Jiang Zemin, the Chinese head of state, former general secretary of the Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party, former President of the Central Military Commission, considering this as a great historical mission, led the party-state political leaders and the people across the country to contain the evil cult without hesitation, and succeeded in prevent China from going back into “the Middle Ages”.



The core and the basis of Chinese culture is the law of universe, “the way of heaven”, which is the same truth like the western tradition of ancient Greek dialectics, rather than the rigid combination of “truthfulness, goodness and tolerance” of false Falun Gong formed by Li Hongzhi. Heavenly way is the relationship of dialectical movement between Yin and Yang, the model of which is "Tai Chi diagram", the symbol of Chinese culture and civilization. Therefore, the "wheel of Chinese Heavenly way" is the true wheel of universe and the law of universe.


Mr. Ismael Moreno, Spanish National Court Judge of Madrid, had unilateral and limited understanding of Chinese culture and was ignorant of a cultural disaster occurred on the land of China from the end of last century until today, made judgment only from the appearance of things’ movement, and was deceived and used by the group of "Li Hongzhi and Falun Gong". All of these caused extremely rash litigation against Mr. Jiang Zemin, a great hero who defended the Chinese nation from going backward into “the Middle Ages”. This litigation hurt seriously sentiments of many thinking people, including myself, who have been devoting themselves to realizing great rejuvenation of Chinese nation in order to promote elevation and transformation of human culture and civilization. We know that the Spanish people have a most common and natural admiration for their king and their heroes in history. For the same reason, as one of the thinking people who have been devoting themselves to great rejuvenation of Chinese nation and have deep love and admiration for Mr. Jiang Zemin, here I pursue litigation against the King of Your country as plaintiff.


Plaintiff 1 was originally the third President of the Party of Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation, and then seeking practice of “democratic model of mutual love and virtuous circle”, led all of comrades to join Chinese largest opposition party, China Democracy Party, and served as president of "National Citizens Committee of China Democracy Party” and director of “National Culture and Education Committee of China Democracy Party”. Plaintiff 2 is a Chinese Communist Party member at grassroots level, and pursues litigation in his own name without representing any political parties or religious groups, and has the same view as the attorney in terms of religious evil cult.  


Standing on the track of the dialectical moment of human history and looking forward, through rejuvenating the core wisdom of Chinese culture: “the way of heaven”, this universe law, China is starting a new pattern of democratic movement, characterized by mutual love and virtuous circle, which is unprecedented in human political history and far better than the Western constitutionalism. All of this thanks to former national president Mr. Jiang Zemin and the others like him, who defended Chinese nation from falling into the old pattern of Western democratic movement characterized by mutual conflicts, and from falling into the dark scourge of damaging Chinese culture made by Li Hongzhi and his evil cult group.


Therefore, Mr. Jiang Zemin is not only a great hero who defended Chinese Nation and brought it to rejuvenation, but also a great farsighted world politician, a god’s messenger to promote realization of world harmony.



With his contribution to taking up the historical mission of rejuvenating the Chinese nation, in history and in reality, it is impossible for anybody o anything , not even try to, stop thousands of people from admiring his brilliance.


During his service as president, Mr. Jiang Zemin has been one of heads of state who signed most treaties of peace. Including Hong Kong, Macau and China, he has signed land boundary treaties with 12 neighboring countries. By contrast, president of the United States of the same period Bush who paraded himself as God’s messenger of peace, participated anti-Catholic Skull and Bones (cult) of Satanism at the Yale University when he was a teenage. Iraq War led by U.S. president, involved American soldiers, countless American families and Iraqi people in misery and caused many casualties and tragedies. It is not comparable with Mr. Jiang Zemin, who took measures to stop the cult from bringing disaster to China. This showed that “curing the sickness to save the patient” has always been a good cultural tradition and spirit of Chinese nation.


Both China and Spain are ancient countries. Since ancient times China valued the salvation of man’s spirit based on “ruling with Tao and virtue”, and pursued a state of “rule of man” based on everyone’s consciousness and self-rule. This is having interaction and impact with “rule of law”, which considers men as animals and uses the superficial way like “bird cage” and “constitutionalism” to bind and control the modern society.

中西两国同为古老国家;中华自古以来崇尚拯治人心为根本的“道治、德治”,追求人人自觉、人人自治的 “人治”境界,与崇尚将人看作野兽用治标的“鸟笼”“宪政”加以约束控制这一现代社会“法治”正在发生积极交媾碰撞。

Important evidence is Spanish movie “55 days at Peking”, Boxers is called by international society like Boxer “anti-foreign religion” (anti-Catholic) war in 1900. Now Chinese government encountered the same problem on religious policy. Jiang Zemin launched first anti-cult movement in China, and saved nation and civilization from danger. In the world so many people mistakenly believed the evil cult propaganda, misunderstood, attacked and slandered Mr. Jiang Zemin, and made Jiang Zemin become a tragic national hero who defended rejuvenation of Chinese nation. His “mistake” was that he obtained victory of anti-cult movement. However until today China has not enacted a special “anti-cult law” and it is not good for humanitarian protection for the members of Falun Gong group.

重要证据是1963年西班牙电影《北京55日》(55Days at Peking) 国际社会称为1900年义和团“反洋教”(反天主教)战争。现在的中国政府在宗教政策上遇到了同一个问题。江泽民首先在中国发起反邪教运动,挽救民族国家乃至文明进化于危难。满世界那么多人误信邪教宣传,而误解攻击毁谤江泽民先生,从而成就江泽民作为捍卫中华国族复兴的悲剧式民族英雄。他的“错误”是取得反邪教的胜利。可是中国至今没有颁布专门的《反邪教法》。不利于对法轮功学员的人道主义保护。

Mr. Li Hongzhi called for “truthfulness, goodness and tolerance”, but advocated “nine comments of Chinese Communist Party”, “To destroy the Republic”, “destruction of both form and spirit”, incited the misguided disciples and founded “overseas transitional government” by using his disciples, attempting to disorganize, liquidate and destroy Chinese Communist Party, and subvert state power. I’d like to ask His Majesty the King: “for 80 million Chinese communists and Chinese Communist Party, we neither sincerely love them nor help them to remove “disease”, but disorganize, liquidate and destroy, parading ourselves as defender of truth, disciple of San Christ, descendent of Confucius’ great love, practicing brilliant spirit of Buddha’s non-Self, Laozi’s do-nothing, Allah’s mercy. Isn’t this like substituting ancient sages for a dark soul?


On the contrary, oppressed in China by the traditional centralized system of Chinese Communist Party, Chinese democrats insists on “non-violent, open, rational” principle, pursuing untiringly the way to rejuvenate China under circumstances of various difficulties and hardships, using core wisdom of Chinese culture, “the way of heaven”, to change the old pattern of rigid antagonism, mutual struggle and mutual loss between nation and world.


Although Chinese democrats suffered from term of imprisonment for thousands of years caused by authoritarian system, it didn’t change the way we follow the spirit of Christian martyrs. We believe: “the reason for which man is noble is because, in front of various inhuman suffering and frustrations, he will not betray the way of God’s great love. All of suffering is to make you a great soul! For an enlightened one, Truth is always bright!” and we consider this firmly as moral and spirit realm of Chinese democrats.


Chinese democrats insist on seeking the truth, with an awakened spirit, not spinning a cocoon around them, severing the bond of hatred, breaking down devil’ tools, won’t create hatred and struggles under the pretext of their own sufferings; And with the motivation of contributing to benefiting China and the world, with this great mission in history, walk toward love and light grandly and magnificently and embrace the truth.



With a broad heart and great love, helping the Chinese Communist Party to revitalize, making it “say farewell” to consciousness of authoritarian system and antagonism, regain spiritual awakening and abandon rigid and narrow concept of hatred, to realize mutual win and progress in or out of government and to build a harmonious society. Because we deeply understand that the CCP not only undertakes the mission of rejuvenating China with its compatriots, but also is an indispensable force to promote transformation of human culture and civilization and to reach the harmony of the East and West, and of the world. When they fell into authoritarian quagmire and also suffered from it, only by removing all obstacles, especially individual or collective narrow concept of hatred, by practicing personally “universal love, great love, no-Self and great mercy” taught by Christ, Confucius, Buddha, Laozi and Allah, by cultivating oneself in life and in work, and by abandoning old simple, rigid and antagonistic ways of thinking, can people surpass together the dark vicious circle of mutual struggle and start the virtuous circle of mutual love and mutual aid, to elevate together spirit light of the world and realize universal harmony.  



Therefore, here we seriously make a proposal of “changing evil cult through culture” and “anti-nine comments” (see attachment). We would like to invite people all over the world who seek the light to recognize the reality and the truth, to return to the position of knowing the value of truth of human “universal love” taught by Christ and other ancient sages. It is not difficult to understand if we have a close look and make comment openly. In fact in “Holy Bible” there has been predicted a warning, those evil things step up into the stage of history are always “in sheep’s clothing”.


The communist party, seeking ideal society in which there is no exploitation and everyone has equal wealth, represents tremendous progress of human society and history. However, unfortunately, In terms of “existence” and “consciousness”, it is guided by materialism, remaining in the rigid logical form and unilateral thinking, so that, in dealing with opposition and contradiction it is inevitable to adopt ways of mutual struggle, becoming another extreme which is polarity of capitalist society. Democratic pattern of mutual struggle in horizontal way between party in power and opposition in capitalist society, and the centralized pattern of mutual struggle in vertical way between party in power and opposition in traditional socialism of communist party, both patterns drew human being into a dark vortex of hatred. Therefore, they both face transformation and improvement. In this modern era of globalization with highly advanced technologies, human will not have a bright future with mutual struggle in mutual hatred.



Now the great Chinese Communist Party is awakened after sufferings. After President Jiang Zemin proposed the “construction of political civilization”, President Hu Jintao took a step further and proposed “construction of harmonious world”, which is followed naturally by various mainstream cultures and civilizations of human being. The CCP with the goal of rejuvenating China, is guiding itself to surpass the big “sea of bitterness” where human has been lost in history for thousands of years, and is following the law of universe, the way of heaven (the way of God) to reach the new democratic constitutional pattern characterized by mutual love. It is undoubtedly a brilliant symbol of regaining human perfection and mutual love in the East of the world, a symbol with Oriental wisdoms, which brings hope and light to the world and promotes human history to have a whole transformation and elevation. 



Communist party is legal in most countries of the world, and was illegal only in Nazi state. Mr. Li Hongzhi is against core value of teachings of ancient sages like Christ, didn’t spread the spirit of “universal love”, and didn’t love enemies of himself; on the contrary, he is inducing people on a large-scale to fall into the old pattern of vicious circle with rigid opposition, contradiction and mutual struggle, becoming the “black hand” behind curtain which added fuel to the flames of hatred, instead of transforming rationally the hatred and mutual struggle into universal love and light.   


Li Hongzhi misled the world public opinion on a large-scale and formed a big dark vortex in history. This is characterized obviously by barbarous anti-civilization, anti-society, anti-human progress. Plaintiff 1, as “pioneer of rejuvenation movement of Chinese culture” and President of National Citizens Committee of opposition party, China Democracy Party and with other special positions, has been dedicated his entire life to rejuvenating China and seeking the way of light for all human beings. Expounding and prove “holographic universe theory” through “Russell Paradox”, on the basis of which, he constructed dialectical logic of heavenly way, using the dialectical logic of heavenly way, a logic instrument which corresponds to the rule of universe movement, organizing again the ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign fruits of thought, and created “logic of heavenly way”, “mathematics of heavenly way”, “ethnics of heavenly way”, “politics of heavenly way”, “economics of heavenly way”, “aesthetics of heavenly way”, “psychology of heavenly way”, “cosmography of heavenly way”, “history of heavenly way”, “anthropology of heavenly way” etc, which are interdisciplinary between mathematics and logic and other applied basic sciences, natural science, human and social science, world main religious civilizations, psychological science, space science, etc, forming a system of thoughts of “rejuvenation of Chinese culture” and “Chinese wheel of heavenly way” (namely “pattern of Tai Chi”), which unifies the heaven, the earth and the universe, the East and the west, the ancient and the modern. And he also proposed “change evil cult through culture, defend firmly basic human rights of cult members, and oppose suppression, on the basis of realization of everyone’s self-salvation and self-rule with spirit of universal love and light, try to prevent nation-state or even world civilization from going from an already deep vicious circle toward a big collapse and chaos.


Fact II: “Li Hongzhi’s evil cult” originates from “Boxers”, and is the branch of “White Lotus sect”.

Mr. Li Hongzhi was born and grew up in Jilin province, the birthplace of his religion is in county Shan of Shandong province. In 1988 Li Hongzhi followed Master of Qigong Yu Guangsheng as his teacher to learn practicing “Jiu Gong Ba Gua Gong” (nine squares and eight diagrams Gong), so in his pseudo-sacred scripture “Zhuan Fa lun” (turning the wheel) have been mentioned the same ancient names of Chinese Qigong. Jiu Gong Ba Gua Gong comes from “Ba Gua sect” (eight diagrams sect), also known as “Jiu Gong Dao” (nine square dao). Now official “Annals of county Shan” recognize formally that “Boxers” in history is the branch of White Lotus sect, “Ba Gua Sect”. According to the studies of religious history of Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty, “Ba Gua sect” is the main part of a dark and evil force in China named “Bei Jiao Nan Hui” (north sect and south society), which is a branch of “White Lotus sect”. The organized system of Chinese “dark and evil force”, for 300 years starting from Qing dynasty has always been “Bei Jiao Nan Hui”. All of the important events of White Lotus sect were relate to “Ba Gua sect” in county Shan of Shandong province. Liu Shiduan, the leader of “Da Dao Hui” (big sward society) of county Shan, is generally recognized as the pioneer of Boxer Movement. A folk song of county Shan: “Liu Shiduan attacks Dongtuan (attacks catholic church), supporting half heaven of China.”



White Lotus sect and Boxers has evolved until today, inheriting old tradition, has formed a system of dark and evil force. Within Li Hongzhi group, it is split into two factions, named “Ge Pai” (faction of dove) and “Ying Pai” (faction of hawk); in history of China, they are called “Wen Chang”(civil place) and “Wu Chang”(martial place).         



“Painting feces first, then killing people” is an anti-Catholic religious ritual of European medieval Satanism, known as “black mass”. The killing of “Black mass” happened again in the East of the world, which showed the similarity between White Lotus sect of the East and Satanism of the West.  .  


On December 16, 2007, village head Shi Fujian known as “the head of secret society” for the people of county Boji, instigated thugs to wipe excrement on the door of Tan Guoliang, and pour thick dung soup in front of his door. On 18, Shi Fujian with 20 thugs killed Tan Guoliang. On June 16, 2009 Higher People’s Court of Shangdong Province issued China 3 final word No.3 (2009), and on December 25, 2008 Intermediate People’s Court of Jining issued criminal ruling No.95 (2008), indicate that there were 17 people who premeditated murder during the wedding reception in the “Kyoto Grande Hotel of Jinxiang county” which is famous for its connection with mafia. The principle Shi Fujian was extenuated for Self-injury and got a light punishment of 12 years, so there have been many omitted crimes in this case. Shi Fujian learned Kan Men Da Hong Quan (kan men of big swan/vast fist), his master is “Liu Zhongzheng and Zhou Minghang” of village Liu Youfang, his masters’ master is Wang Yunyan of village Yulou, county Gaohe. The branch of White Lotus sect, Kan Men Dao of Ba Gua sect, is both black and white; known as “Black and white paths” both indicate Kan Men Dao. It is misinformed in society as “government is white path, mafia is black path”. The hereditary professional of White Lotus sect Wang Yunyan, teaches Da Hong Quan of Kan Men Dao, his Qigong is similar to that practiced by Li Hongzhi. In his front hall is worshiped the portrait of “Guanyin in white” (in realty it stands for Lady White Snake and Unborn/Eternal Venerable Mother). He engages in Fengshui, fortune-telling, healing illness by means of charm water and evoking soul of scared children. The organization is characterized by a union of god, witch and doctor. His three disciples are suspected of murdering. Shi Fujian has opened “Martial Art Court Juhao”, in which, including his masters and disciples, there are not less than 1000 people. He has disciples known as “eight guardians”, who are well known gang members who fight and also are involved in enormous economic fraud. The mafia-style organization in the grain processing plant of county Boji founded by Shi Fujian, was declared openly to be a “death squad”. Shi Fujian claimed to be brother of the same master with Hong Kong actor “Cheng Kuian”. His nickname given by people is “Daredevil Third Brother”. There has been rumor of the mass about him attacking local army and being suspected of murder of south east, etc.”   

20071216日,被卜集乡人民口头称之为“会道门头子”的村长石福建指使打手在檀国良大门上抹了满满的大粪,门口还泼了厚厚的大粪汤。18日石福建带着近20名打手打死檀国良。山东省高级人民法院2009616日出具2009年鲁刑三终字第3号,及其前20081225日济宁市中级法院(2008)济刑初字第95号刑事判决书,指有17人在涉黑的著名的“金乡县京都大酒店”结婚喜宴上预谋杀人。主犯石福建“自伤”减罪以从轻情节判12年,存在大量漏罪。石福建学坎门大鸿拳从师于刘油坊村的“刘忠征和周名航”,其师爷是高河乡于楼村王云燕。白莲教支派八卦教坎门道尚黑又尚白,传说的“黑白两道”,都是指坎门道。在社会上误传为“政府为白道,黑社会为黑道”。白莲教世袭职业者王云燕,传授坎门道大鸿拳,其气功与李洪志类同,其家前堂祭祀“白衣观音”画像(实际是白蛇娘子和无生老母替代画像)兼营看风水、算命及巫医“符水治病”和为惊吓后小孩叫魂。组织特点是神巫医“三位一体”。 其徒弟三人均涉嫌命案犯罪。石福建曾开办“聚豪武馆”其师祖师爷徒子徒孙不少于1000人。手下有练武徒弟号称“八大金刚”,是当地人人皆知的打架斗殴成员兼有巨额经济诈骗。石福建在卜集乡粮所成立黑社会组织,对外公开宣称粮所“敢死队”,“石福建”自称是香港演员“成奎安”的师兄弟,人送绰号“拼命三郎”。群众传言:“袭击地方驻军和所涉东南命案等”。


Family of Shi Fujian is the richest in local. The total criminal and civil compensation of 180 thousand yuan has not been fulfilled yet until today.

Note: Kan Men Da Hong Quan is a secret society. It is proved that Family of Liu Shiduan was Kan Men Da Hong Quan. There was also Li Men Da Hong Quan, named after weapons as “big sward society”, “red spear society” and “pole society”, which is the founder and origin of Chinese Boxers.



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Xu Wenli,L.H.D.

Senior Fellow

Watson Institute For International Studies

Brown University

Providence, RI 02912-1970,U.S.A



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