
[G4G] Re: Google:Ending our agreement with Yahoo!

北青网 - 45分钟前
北京时间11月5日消息,谷歌周三表示,它将放弃原计划与雅虎进行的广告合作交易,因为美国政府因那项交易而对它进行反垄断审查的可能性越来越大。 谷歌在一篇博客文章中表示,继续推进这项交易的风险很大,不但会令它陷入长期的法律事务之中,而且还有损它与合作伙伴 ...
谷歌放弃雅虎搜索广告交易 凤凰网
Google退出雅虎广告合作交易不想法律战浪费时间 和讯网
网易 - 腾讯网 - 新浪网 - 中华网

2008/11/6 参考消息 <go2group@gmail.com>


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于 08-11-5 通过 The Official Google Blog 作者:A Googler

In June we announced an advertising agreement with Yahoo! that gave Yahoo! the option of using Google to provide ads on its websites (and its publisher partners' sites) in the U.S. and Canada. At the same time, both companies agreed to delay implementation of the agreement to give regulators the chance to review it. While this wasn't legally necessary, we thought it was the right thing to do because Google and Yahoo! have been successful in online advertising and we realized that any cooperation between us would attract attention.

We feel that the agreement would have been good for publishers, advertisers, and users -- as well, of course, for Yahoo! and Google. Why? Because it would have allowed Yahoo! (and its existing publisher partners) to show more relevant ads for queries that currently generate few or no advertisements. Better ads are more useful for users, more efficient for advertisers, and more valuable for publishers.

However, after four months of review, including discussions of various possible changes to the agreement, it's clear that government regulators and some advertisers continue to have concerns about the agreement. Pressing ahead risked not only a protracted legal battle but also damage to relationships with valued partners. That wouldn't have been in the long-term interests of Google or our users, so we have decided to end the agreement.

We're of course disappointed that this deal won't be moving ahead. But we're not going to let the prospect of a lengthy legal battle distract us from our core mission. That would be like trying to drive down the road of innovation with the parking brake on. Google's continued success depends on staying focused on what we do best: creating useful products for our users and partners.

Posted by David Drummond, Senior Vice President, Corporate Development and Chief Legal Officer





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